Power Walk - Drew McIntyre

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YN watched Drew McIntyre from a distance, her curiosity piqued by his peculiar gait. He strode across the backstage area with a purposeful stride, his muscles rippling beneath the fabric of his t-shirt. It was hard not to notice him, especially when he moved in such a distinctive way.

She leaned against a nearby wall, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips as she called out to him, "Why are you walking like that?"

Drew turned towards her, his blue eyes meeting hers with a mix of surprise and amusement. He chuckled, his Scottish accent adding an extra layer of charm to his response. "Walking like what, lass?"

YN's grin widened as she pushed herself off the wall and approached him. "Like you're about to step into the ring and take on a whole army of opponents."

Drew laughed heartily, his deep voice resonating through the corridor. "Ah, you've noticed, have you?"

YN nodded, her playful demeanor infectious. "Of course! It's like you're on a mission or something."

He shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, a Scotsman's gotta have a bit of flair even when he's off-duty, don't you think?"

As they walked together, YN fell into step beside him, matching his stride as best she could. It wasn't easy, considering Drew's long legs and purposeful pace, but she managed to keep up. They talked about the upcoming event, trading stories and laughter along the way.

"You know," Drew said after a while, a thoughtful look crossing his face, "sometimes it's all about the mindset. Walking like this helps me get into the right frame of mind, whether it's for a match or just facing the challenges of the day."

YN tilted her head, genuinely intrigued. "So, it's like your way of psyching yourself up?"

He nodded, a genuine smile touching his lips. "Aye, you could say that. It's a reminder that I'm capable of handling whatever comes my way, no matter how tough it might seem."

They reached a quiet corner of the backstage area, away from the hustle and bustle of the event. Drew turned to face YN, his expression earnest. "You know, lass, you can adopt your own power walk, even if you're not stepping into a ring."

She raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in her eyes. "Oh really? And how would that work?"

Drew's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Stand tall, shoulders back, head held high. Stride purposefully, as if you're walking towards your next great adventure. And most importantly, believe in yourself. It's all about confidence."

YN chuckled, giving him an exaggerated nod. "Got it, Captain Confidence."

Drew laughed heartily again, the sound echoing in the corridor. "That's the spirit, YN."

As they continued their stroll, YN couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of determination. Maybe adopting a power walk, even in the mundane moments of life, was just what she needed to break through her own writer's block. With Drew's words echoing in her mind, she took a deep breath, adjusted her posture, and walked beside him with newfound purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With each step, YN could feel a surge of confidence coursing through her veins. It was as if Drew's advice had ignited a spark within her, reminding her that she too had the strength to overcome any obstacles, whether they were within the realm of wrestling or the realm of creativity.

As they walked, YN's thoughts began to wander, weaving a story in her mind. She imagined a character much like Drew, a fierce and determined warrior who faced not only physical opponents but also the trials of the heart. Her fingers itched to jot down the ideas forming in her mind, the writer's block she had been struggling with fading into the background.

Drew noticed her thoughtful expression and nudged her playfully. "I can practically see the wheels turning in that creative mind of yours."

YN laughed, a newfound energy radiating from her. "You have no idea. I think you've inadvertently given me the inspiration I needed."

He grinned, clearly pleased. "Well, I'm glad to have been of service, lass. Just remember, that power walk isn't just for show. It's a reminder that you're in control of your path."

As they reached the end of the corridor, YN's phone buzzed with a message notification. She glanced at the screen and chuckled. "Looks like my best friend is wondering where I disappeared to. She's probably worried I got lost in the labyrinth of backstage corridors."

Drew chuckled alongside her. "Well, we wouldn't want that. Best not to keep her waiting."

YN nodded, her fingers already dancing across the screen as she typed out a quick reply. "Don't worry, I've just been getting some impromptu life advice from a certain Scottish powerhouse."

Her friend's reply came almost instantly. "Oh, I can only imagine. Is he teaching you how to execute a Claymore Kick too?"

YN grinned and showed the message to Drew. "Seems like you're gaining quite the reputation."

Drew laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, it's all in good fun."

As YN and Drew made their way back towards the main area, she couldn't help but reflect on how a simple question about his walk had led to a meaningful conversation and a newfound burst of inspiration. She realized that sometimes, the smallest interactions could have the most profound impact.

"Thank you, Drew," she said softly, a genuine warmth in her voice.

He clasped her shoulder, his smile kind. "Anytime, YN. Just remember, whenever you feel that writer's block creeping in, channel that power walk and face it head-on."

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose and a creative fire in her heart, YN bid farewell to Drew and returned to her best friend, ready to dive back into her fanfiction with a newfound determination. As she typed away, her fingers moving with a newfound rhythm, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter that had turned her day around in the most unexpected and wonderful way.

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