Sicky - Dean Ambrose

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YN had been looking forward to competing in her first Summer Slam for months. It was all she could think about for the last couple of weeks and the anticipation was overwhelming but also welcomed. However, fate was not working in her favor. With just a little over a week left until the major event, she woke up feeling absolutely miserable. Her head was pounding, nose running, and couldn't seem to keep anything she ate down, no matter how little the amount was.

After making the necessary phone calls to Vince and Hunter, she dialed the person who had been her hype man since the very beginning of her career, Dean Ambrose.

"Hey, YNN! What's up?" Jon's voice echoed out of her speaker, and she could hear the smile that had no doubt written itself on his face.

"Well..." YN began but was thrown it a fit of coughing before she even get out what she wanted to tell the man.

"Shit, YN, that sounded rough."

"It was. It's been like this all morning." she stated into her phone as she laid down on the couch. "This year might not be my year for Summer Slam after all."

"Think you'll be that sick for that long?" the man questioned after a silent 'thank you' to whoever he was talking to on the other end. "I mean you do have a week to get better. Just over a week, actually."

"Maybe not this sick, but most likely I won't be up to par enough to wrestle. I'm also not trying to get Becky or Asuka sick either. Hell, I don't want to be the reason anyone gets sick, to be honest." She confessed and pulled a blanket over her. "All that and H has done said my health is more important than the match anyway. Said to take care of myself and not to worry about it."

"He has a good point there." He said while it sounded like he was getting into his car. "Would it help if I brought soup or something?"

YN shook her head even though she knew that he couldn't see her. "No. I mean, would I like it? Yeah of course. But I don't think I could keep it down. I ate just a piece of toast this morning for breakfast, and it was back up within fifteen minutes. Plus, I don't want to get you sick too. You've got a big match coming up, Mr. Ambrose. You don't need to be as sick as I am either."

"You've got hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies, right?" Jon questioned.

She knew exactly where the conversation was going and by that point, he had made up his mind. There was no way to get out of him coming over to take care of her. So, YN sighed, "Yeah."

"Then that's the end of the conversation. I'll be there in an hour." he said and YNN could hear him start up his car. "Don't worry, sicky, I got my key. Take a nap or something."

"Why you gotta be stubborn?" she questioned with a sniffle.

"Because I care. Now, nap. Be there in a little while." he answered and added a 'bye' before hanging up the phone.

The YHC haired girl decided to take her best friend's advice and get some sleep hoping that it would magically take some of the misery away.

"I thought you were just bringing soup." she stated, her voice was still scratchy, and everything seemed to be just as bad as it was before other than the pounding in her head had let up some.

Jon turned to look at her and shrugged. "I figured fresh would probably do you more good."

She nodded and looked around the kitchen. The whole room, other than the small part of it that he was using, had been cleaned top to bottom. Dishes from the night before had been washed, countertops had been wiped down and by the container of Clorox wipes by the stove, everything had been sanitized.

"You cleaned the kitchen?" YN questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, sicky, I cleaned the kitchen. I'm here to take care of you and your place for the time being. Now, go back to being that cute and cozy little burrito you were when I came into the house and let me do my thing. Soup will be ready in 5 minutes." the blonde-haired man said as he turned back to the pot.

Thought she wanted so much to fight him on it, YN knew it wouldn't do her no good. So, she did as she was told and went back to her spot on the couch, wrapped herself back up in her blanket and turned on the tv.

Five minutes later Jon walked into the living room with bowl in hand. "Here you go, and I also got some meds for you to take after. Hopefully you can keep everything down long enough for the pills to kick in."

"You didn't have to do all of this, you know?" she asked with a grateful smile written on her face.

Jon sat down next to her on the couch and said, "No, what kind of person would I be if I left my best friend to suffer alone? Not a very good one, I can tell you that right now."

"Thank you. Even though staying away from me was a better option that I know you would have never taken up, but I do appreciate everything."

Jon smiled. "There is nowhere else I would rather be. Eat up, soup's getting cold."

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