The Switch - The Miz

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As I sat on the couch in our cozy home, my mind was in a whirlwind of thoughts. Shane had presented me with the opportunity to switch brands from RAW to SmackDown, and I couldn't shake the dilemma that gnawed at my heart. I loved the idea of spreading my wings, of proving myself away from the shadow of my fiancé, The Miz. Though at the same time, working with him every day had been a dream come true. I never had to go without him and to have Mike there whenever I needed him was just a life saver in and of itself. But this was a chance to prove myself to not just the fans and my fellow superstars but to me as well.

"Hey, babe," I began hesitantly, glancing over at Mike as he relaxed in his favorite armchair, a wrestling magazine in his hand. "I've got something on my mind, and I need your thoughts on it to really help me make my mind up on it."

Mike looked up from the magazine and over to me, a concerned looked on his face. "Okay... what's you thinking about there, Babygirl."

I took a deep breath and leaned closer to him. "Well, Shane offered a chance to switch to SmackDown Monday night, caught me on the way to catering, and I'm torn. I mean, I love working with you on RAW, but part of me wants to see what I can do on my own."

He set the magazine aside, his expression thoughtful. "I get it, YNN. It's a big decision. But you're incredibly talented, and you've got all the potential in the world. If you think SmackDown can offer you a better opportunity to shine, then maybe you should consider it. No matter what you decide to do, I'll have your back a hundred percent. You know that."

I smiled at his support, grateful that he was taking it so well. "Thanks, Mike. I guess I just needed to hear you say it. Although I'm still torn on what to do, I know whatever I choose I've still got you beside me at the end of the day."

"You'll never have to worry about that, sweetheart."

I nodded, my heart racing with anticipation. "Sure, Stephanie. What's up?"

She led me to the quietness of her office, away from the bustling energy of the locker room. "I've heard you've been offered a spot on SmackDown by my dear brother. Now, I'm not rushing you to a decision, by any means, but I just wanted to know if you decided to stay here on RAW or not."

I took a deep breath, the words coming out with more certainty than I had expected. "I think I'm going to make the switch. I love it here on RAW, but I think it's time for a new challenge. And I've talked to Mike about it and he's really supportive of it if I so choose it. I haven't made a for sure decision but I'm strongly leaning to switching it up."

Stephanie nodded approvingly. "I think you'll do great on SmackDown, YNN. Your talent will shine wherever you go. Just remember, the door is always open if you decide to return."

As I walked away from our conversation, my mind was filled with a mix of excitement and sadness. I was going to miss RAW and working alongside Mike, but I knew this was the right move for me.

In the end, the choice was made, and it was a bittersweet farewell to RAW. I was ready for the new adventure that awaited me on SmackDown, to prove my skills as (Your Ring Name), not just The Miz's fiancée.

And as the days rolled on, I found solace in the support of my fiancé, who knew that while we might be on different brands, our love and partnership in life and in wrestling would never change.

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