Trip Up - Corey Graves

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The anticipation hung heavily in the air as YNN Snap stepped into the ring, readying herself to face off against Carmella. The cheers of the crowd in the stands echoed around her, fueling her determination. Little did she know that this match would almost become the biggest turning point in her friendship with her best friend, Corey.

The match progressed in YNN's favor but she could sense something amiss as she watched Corey stand from his seat at the commentary table and walk over to ringside. It was out of the norm for him and the fact that it was his wife she was facing only made the gut feeling she had worse. Suddenly, when the referee couldn't see what he was doing, Graves grabbed YNN's foot causing her to fall. Upon landing a sharp pain ran through her arm as she tried to catch herself.

Carmella, ever the opportunist, swiftly delivered a match ending move, securing the victory. Fury mixed with physical and emotional pain welled up within the YHC haired girl as she realized what had just transpired. Her emotions consumed her as she held her hurt arm to her body to stabilize it. She turned to Mr. Graves, her eyes burning with hurt and anger. "Why would you do that?!" YNN questioned as silence fell over the audience. "I can't believe you!"

Her words stung him like venom as she slid out of the ring and walked up the ramp to the backstage area. Corey watched as the medics met her on the stage and the guilt hit him like a tidal wave when they escorted YNN to the back. He never meant to hurt her in any capacity, he just knew what he was told to do and he did it. But he hurt his best friend in the process and that was worse than any blow he could ever take.

After the show concluded, Corey retreated backstage, seething with guilt and regret of what he had done earlier in the night. He knew he had made a grave mistake, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing his friendship with YNN. So, he went in search of the YEC eyed girl.

Corey treaded through the maze of corridors of the backstage area, searching for any sign of the YHC haired girl. He searched everywhere he could think of from the clinical station to her locker room. He even stopped to check with Stephanie and Triple H in case they had seen her but had no luck.

When he finally found her, YNN was walking out of the arena with her left arm in a temporary sling. His guess was she was waiting until the morning to get it thoroughly checked out. The girl was known to push off going to a medical center if she thought the injury wasn't bad enough.

"YNN!" Corey called out to her right before she could make her exit. "YNN, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you didn't know that I was going to do that." He said as he finally caught up to her.

YNN rolled her eyes. "Of course, I didn't know, Core. " She said as she turned around to face him. "If I had known my arm wouldn't be in this death trap and I wouldn't have to go for X-rays at eight o'clock in the morning. All I was told was that I was supposed to score that match, nothing else."

"YNN, I swear I didn't know. They told me to do it over the headsets and that it had been gone over with you and Leah." He explained with a guilty look across his features.

The YEC eyed girl sighed. "So, you really had no clue that we didn't know?" she questioned.

Graves shook his head. "I swear to it."

YNN sighed once more, the feelings of anger she held against the man subsiding. "I believe you."

"I didn't mean to get you hurt either. I'm sorry. Leah has already chewed me out for it too." He explained.

"Did she know that they were having you trip me up like that?" She asked.

Corey shook his head. "She's up there tearing them a new one right now and I'm sure that Steph and Hunter aren't too far behind her."

YNN's eyes widened at her best friend's words. "Are you saying they told no one but you?" He could practically see the steam pour out of her ears. "Those sons of bitches have something else coming to them when I get my hands on them."

Graves reached out and placed his hand on her unhurt arm, and like many times before, he started running it up and down it in a comforting motion. "Trust me, sweetheart, I have a few words of my own for them."

Just then, Carmella came running up to the two of them. "My god, YNN, are you alright? I saw your face when you landed, how bad is it?"

YNN shrugged slightly. "Med team said they suspect it's a fractured radial bone, but I won't know for sure until the morning.' she said, which made Corey feel worse than he already did.

"Damn it, YNN, I'm sorry." He apologized. "I didn't think you would get hurt."

"Core, will you stop apologizing?" She asked. "I think established that it wasn't entirely your fault."

"Let the man apologize," Carmella said and placed her hands on her hips. "He at least could have given you a little bit of a warning before he just, you know, grabbed your ankle like that."

"Yeah, well, I kind of already hurt his ego a bit on national television so I think we can call it even." YNN stated and looked back over at Corey who just nodded wordlessly. "And, God forgive me, if they make this whole debacle into a storyline, I'll kill them. I don't mind wrestling my friends, I don't necessarily mind getting hurt and my ass handed to me from time to time. But I don't like that they almost tore apart a friendship that predates and will outdate my time in this business like they are playing Gods. It doesn't sit right with me. If he hasn't heard from Steph already, Vince will hear about this."

Both Corey and Carmella nodded at their friend's statement, knowing just how she felt. But it was Graves who was the one to speak. "Couldn't agree more, but let's get your arm better first."

"Right." Leah said. "Dumbass actions can wait. Your well-being is more important."

YNN nodded and adjusted the bag that weighed down her right side and Corey was quick to take it from her. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm ready to get out of here anyway."

"Okay. Let's get you out of here then." He said and led both the ladies out to the rental car.

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