In-Ring Concern - Baron Corbin

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I stared down at YN, concern etching lines on my forehead as I took in the sight before me. She was crumpled on the floor, her body twisted in an unnatural angle after what seemed like a hard fall. I rushed over, my heart pounding with worry, and knelt down beside her.

"YN," I murmured, my voice tinged with both fear and relief as I saw her eyelids fluttering. "Are you hurt?"

Her gaze met mine, a mix of pain and embarrassment flickering in her eyes. She winced as she tried to sit up, clutching her side with a grimace.

"Just... a little bruised ego, I think," she managed to say with a weak smile, her voice strained.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, a small chuckle escaping my lips despite the tension in the air. "Well, that's better than something more serious. But seriously, you scared the hell out of me."

YN's smile grew as she propped herself up on her elbows, her face turning slightly pink. "Sorry about that. I guess I got a bit too caught up in the moment."

I offered her a hand, helping her sit upright properly. "It happens to the best of us," I replied, my tone gentle. "You know, taking risks in the ring is part of what we do."

She nodded, gingerly touching her side. "Yeah, I know. Just sometimes those risks don't quite go as planned."

I couldn't help but grin, my concern gradually giving way to amusement. "Trust me, I've had my fair share of those moments."

As YN chuckled softly, our eyes locked for a lingering moment. It was in these moments that I found myself grateful for the unpredictable nature of our profession. In the midst of scripted chaos, real connections like ours had room to flourish. The bond between us had grown stronger, and I couldn't deny the way my feelings for her had deepened over time.

"Thanks for checking on me, Baron," she said, her voice warm as she squeezed my hand.

"Of course," I replied, my voice quieter but no less sincere. "I've got your back, YN. In and out of the ring."

YN's smile turned into a grin, and there was a certain spark in her eyes that set my heart racing. "I appreciate that, Baron."

We lingered there for a moment longer, the sounds of the arena fading into the background as our world narrowed down to just the two of us. It was a chaotic world we lived in, one filled with larger-than-life personas and high-flying stunts, but in that moment, all that faded away, leaving just the connection between Baron Corbin and YN YLN.

And as the cheers of the crowd echoed around us once more, I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected falls could lead to the most beautiful landings.

Sami Zayn strode over with his trademark charismatic grin, his eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and concern. "Well, well, what do we have here? Baron Corbin, the knight in shining armor, and our very own daredevil, YN YLN."

YN's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and I shot Sami a playful glare. "Give it a rest, Sami. You act like you've never taken a spill in the ring."

Sami raised an eyebrow dramatically. "Oh, I have, my friend. But I like to think I make falling look good."

YN chuckled softly, wincing a little as she shifted her position. "Well, I don't know about looking good, but you definitely make it entertaining."

Sami bowed theatrically, earning a genuine laugh from YN. "Thank you, thank you. It's a gift, really."

I rolled my eyes, but there was a fondness in the gesture. Sami had a way of lightening the mood, even in situations that could have been more serious.

Sami's expression turned more serious as he looked at YN. "But in all seriousness, are you alright? Need me to fetch some ice or something?"

YN shook her head, still smiling. "Nah, I'll survive. Just a little sore, that's all."

Sami nodded and turned his attention to me. "And you, Baron? Did you feel your heart skip a beat there?"

I gave him a half-smile, admitting, "Maybe just a little. You know me, always concerned about my fellow wrestlers."

Sami's grin returned as he clapped me on the shoulder. "Ah, Baron Corbin, a true softie beneath that tough exterior."

I shrugged him off, not wanting to acknowledge the accuracy of his statement. "Don't get used to it."

YN leaned back on her hands, looking between the two of us with a knowing glint in her eyes. "You guys are something else, you know that?"

Sami winked at her. "Oh, we know. But it's what makes us so lovable."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You keep telling yourself that, Sami."

As the three of us shared a lighthearted moment, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie that had formed among us. In a world where competition was fierce and egos clashed, these genuine connections were like gold. And whether it was in the ring or outside of it, having friends like Sami and a budding romantic relationship with YN was something worth cherishing.

As the sounds of the crowd's cheers grew louder, reminding us of the ongoing show, we settled into a comfortable silence, basking in the shared bond that was as unpredictable and exhilarating as the world we lived in.

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