To Be There - Christian

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YN YLN and her boyfriend, Jeff Hardy were strolling through the corridors of the backstage area after Jeff's match against Edge. They held hands as they walked back towards his locker room. Little did the couple know there was trouble lurking just in the shadows. Just as they turned the last corner, Matt, Jeff's older brother, and his girlfriend, Lita, emerged from their now evident hiding spots. The two launched their planned attack on the unsuspecting couple.

Jeff and YNN did their damnedest to fight them off the best they could, swapping blows with the other couple. But amidst the chaos, YNN found herself thrown into some equipment that was off to the side, which knocked her out cold. Matt laid one final blow to his younger brother before he and Lita ran off in the opposite direction of the distressed scene.

When he finally noticed his unconscious girlfriend barely being held upright by a storage case on the other side of the hallway, the raven-haired man was struck with panic and called for medical assistance as he made his way over to the girl. Minutes later, the sound of wailing sirens filled the air as the YLN girl was rushed out of the arena and to the nearest hospital. Jeff never once left her side the entire way, holding her hand as a way to comfort not only her but himself as well. The man made a silent vow that his brother would pay for this. To him, this action was unforgivable.

The news of Matt and Lita's attack spread around the locker room area like wildfire and when it finally got to Christian, YN's best friend, he could feel his heart sink in his chest. Worry fueled his determination as he gathered his things, as well as running to Jeff's locker room to gather theirs as well and hurried out of the arena. As he traveled the roads of Las Vegas, he tried to keep his thoughts positive. She had to be okay.

When he arrived at the hospital, he found the Hardy boy sitting next to his girlfriend's hospital bedside. YN was still out cold as she lay almost lifeless in the bed. The sight crushed the former tag team champ and he hesitated to walk inside the room.

After a few moments of standing in the doorway, Christian approached the other man, concerned etched on his face. "Hey, man." He said and placed a comforting hand on Jeff's shoulder.

"Oh, hey, Jay." The raven haired man greeted sadly as he looked up at him.

"How is she?" Jay questioned as he walked around the bed and sat down in the chair on the other side.

"Physically, other than a concussion and a slightly fractured shoulder blade from the impact, she's fine. Just a waiting game for her to wake up." Jeff confessed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I get... I get that Matt and I agreed to feud together but I never imagined that he would drag YNN into this. Don't get me wrong, man, she can fight if need be but she isn't a wrestler. You know her as well as I do, if not more, you know she doesn't want to be a major part of this kind of life. She's happy with just being in the background."

Jason nodded his head, silently agreeing with his friend's statement. "Why do you think they did this?" He questioned as he looked upon the YHC haired girl's sleeping figure.

The other man shrugged, not knowing what to think at that point. "Your guess would be as good as mine right about now." He admitted and leaned back in his chair for the first time since he had sat down in it. "But he'll pay for it, I can assure you that. YN shouldn't be laying in this damn bed. Amy took it too far."

Christian went to say something else but was cut short by a small whimper escaping YN's mouth as she began to finally wake. Both men quickly sat up in their seats. She squinted slightly from the bright lights.

"Hey, baby girl," Jeff said as he took her hand in his. "How are you feeling?"

"Been better." She confessed, her voice raspy from sleep and lack of moisture in her mouth, "Do I dare ask what happened?"

"Matt and Amy happened." Jay stated, his tone full of anger for a moment. "She threw you into an equipment case and, well, you were bad enough they sent you here."

YN rolled her eyes at the words of her best friend. "Oh, great, unwanted exposure therapy. How lovely?"

"Yeah, well, you did give us quite the scare when you wouldn't wake up at the arena." Her boyfriend said and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I know you're not liking this, but the medics were concerned you were worse off than just the concussion and fractured shoulder that you ended up having, so you can't blame them."

"I don't," She said truthfully. "Just want to get out of here."

"I'll go tell the nurse you're awake. If we're lucky, we can go home in the morning. "Jeff stated as he stood from his seat. "Would you like anything?"

"Water would be great." The YHC girl admitted. "Cotton mouth is a bitch right about now."

"You got it." The man gave his girlfriend a small kiss on her forehead and walked out to inform her nurse.

Christian gave her a small worried smile as she looked over at him to which she returned. "Glad to see you're okay." He admitted to keep the conversation going to try to keep her mind off where she was, knowing her extreme dislike for hospitals.

She hummed slightly in response. "Why do you look like you're running on just purely coffee and nothing else?"

"Kinda am." Jay admitted to his best friend. "Got to the hotel at, like, three in the morning and had to be at the children's hospital at seven. So I'm running on, maybe, four hours and five cups of coffee."

"Damn, you're starting to sound like Jeff. Minus the 'holy fuck, I'm glad that's over.'" She joked.

The blonde man chuckled and nodded, "Oh, but I'm thinking about it, I can assure you of that."

"Thank you, Jay," YN said after a moment or two. "For coming, I mean. After a jam-packed day, I would have understood if you were too tired to check on me."

"Shut your mouth, YNN, I could have been two states away when I heard and I would still have found a way to make it here to stay with you and Jeff until you got to go home." He confessed and reached over her to take hold of the hand that the Hardy man once was. "You don't have to thank me for doing my job as your best friend because it's something I will always find a way to do when you need me."

YNN smiled at his comforting words. She knew that she could always count on him and Jeff in moments like these. Neither man would ever leave her side when she needed them the most. The YLN girl often thought she would never be able to express just how grateful she was for the two of them. But as time went on she would sure as hell try.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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