A werewolf

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Draco had almost forgotten that professor Lupin was in fact a werewolf. He found out during the war as well as some other things that he wasn't sure of.

His aunt had talked about his uncle Sirius on several occasions mentioning how he was a fag and his boyfriend was a dirty werewolf.

Draco wasn't a big fan of this words but he never said anything. He knew better.

Lupin was tall and had light brown hair that had a few grey streaks most likely from the stress of the full moons. His face was covered in scars but he was quiet handsome or at least Draco thought he was.

Draco wasn't really sure what his boggart would be anymore. He knew that's what they would have to deal with.

He suspected that it had changed over time. When he was little it would have been the albino peacocks at the manor. Now it might be his father or even his aunt. But one thing Draco knew was that it would never be his mother.

Draco didn't plan on fighting off the boggarts if professor asked him to he wouldn't no he would rather fail.

Thankfully Lupin didn't seem interested in them yet.

Normally Draco's hair would be slicked back but he didn't want that. He hated it. He let his blond hair fall around his face it looked better that way.

He knew that if it got any longer his curls would be more noticeable but that would be ok.

Unfortunately for his father Draco inherited the black family look. He had the silver eyes and the curly black hair but he always kept it blond and straight to please his father.

Draco might still keep his hair blond he just hasn't decided yet. Class was boring and Draco had already sat through it once before so he didn't see the point in doing it again. None of his friends really cared that he wasn't paying attention because it didn't matter.

When lunch rolled around Draco went to the library instead. He wasn't really hungry so why not study.

He turned by the shelf to get to a certain table when he bumped right into someone. Brown bushy hair and brown eyes and black skin. It was Hermione Granger. He had learned to like the witch. She was smart and quiet frankly too good for her boys.

Draco blinked at her he wasn't much taller than her yet maybe an inch. "Sorry." He said before even realizing what he said. He closed his mouth and shuffled off as fast as he could not looking at the girl.

Draco sat down with a huff after seeing the books he wanted. Books on werewolf's, Animagus, and potions.

He needed to study up on some stuff. He knew Peter pettigrew was the Weasley rat and he knew there was a spell to turn him back to human.

He started reading but heard the noise of a book on his left side. Hermione stood there looking at the chair next to him a questioning look on her face. He made a quick decision and motioned for the Gryffindor to sit down.

She did with a smile on her face. Draco had to hide the smile that was forming on his face behind his book but she had seen it.

They sat in the library together elbows bumping whenever they shifted in their seats. It wasn't bad Hermione seemed like a good person to study with. He knew she was.

You had to be wonderful to help potter pass his classes. She was a miracle worker and she probably knew it. He knew it and he wished that he just had the guts to talk to her when they were younger he would have loved to be her friend. She was one of the brightest witches of our ages.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now