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Draco woke up in Ron's room. Ginny was laying at the end closer to Draco. Then he looked over and saw Hermione and Ron basically cuddling.

I'm a quick decision he shook Ginny awake. She blinked up at him and groaned ready to go back to bed. "Look at them." He said while dragging her upwards. She looked to were he was pointing and her jaw dropped as she looked back at him with wide eyes.

It was still dark outside maybe 5. Draco stood up off the bed and pulled Ginny with him. "Are you hungry?" He asked the girl.

"Absolutely famished." She answered him standing up with his help. They left the two of them alone and retreated downstairs. "Merry Christmas Draco." She told him while yawning

"Merry Christmas to you as well Ginny." Draco started making tea for the two of them while she started to peel an orange and eat it.

They sat down their for what felt like forever until someone else came down. It was Remus. He looked at them curiously "morning you two. What a strange combination you make."

Ginny snorted into her tea "I know." She responded elbowing Draco. He agreed and nodded at Remus.

"When will everyone else wake up?" Draco asked

Remus ruffled his hair "you realize it's still dark out right. Give them some time."

Draco heard Ginny loudly sigh as she smacked her head on the table. "Would you like me to make you some tea?" Draco asked Remus

"No that's alright I'm already up." He told Draco.

"Why are you all awake?" Came one of the twins voice. George

"Morning George." Draco said sipping his tea. "Would you like some tea."

He sputtered "sure thank you." He sat down next to his little sister and wacked her on the head which was still laying on the table. He watched as she hit him back.

A minute later Draco came in with some tea and handed it to George. "Is Fred still sleeping?" Draco asked the twin

George looked at him "yay. How'd you know I wasn't Fred?"

Draco thought for a moment "I don't know I guess your a bit taller and he has a few more freckles."

He raised an eyebrow "well alright then." Ginny took George's tea and took a big gulp before he could snatch it back. Draco sat back down in his seat and waited with the two Weasley's and Remus.

It took about another hour and a half before everyone else was awake. Draco and Remus made them all tea as they sat around the table.

"How about some breakfast dears." Molly said while standing up.

"Would you like some help?" Draco asked causing his mother to choke on her tea.

Molly laughed and motioned him to follow. Draco heard his mother cough a bit more as he went into the kitchen with Molly. "How nice of you to want to help dear. Would you mind cutting up some fruit for me?"

"Of course." Draco answered grabbing some strawberries along with a knife and cutting board.

By the time he finished Molly had made all of the pancake batter and he handed her the cut strawberry's.

"Thank you dear." She told him while pouring them in the batter.

It didn't take long before Draco was levitating pancakes into the dining room. Harry looked over at him while everyone else eyes the food. He gave Draco a tired smile.

After everyone finished eating they were sent into the sitting room. Draco noticed a black box in the room and stared at it for a moment.

"What is that?" Draco said while pointing at it.

Harry was the one who answered "a television." Draco didn't know what that was.

"It's a muggle thing Draco." Hermione told him while sitting down next to Ginny and Fred.

"Why don't we all just sit down so we can open presents." Sirius said pulling Remus down next to him on the couch. Draco sat at his mothers feet.

Draco watched as presents went around. The present he got Harry was the first one he received. He got him another necklace since the other one broke. It had a snake on it and Harry looked over at him with a grin. Draco found it funny and it seemed so did Harry.

"You got me one." Came Ron's surprises voice as he stared wide eyed at a gift in his hand.

"Just open it Ronald. Honestly." Draco told him flicking him in the ear. It was easy to do since they were sitting right next to each other.

"I'm just surprised is all. I understand Harry." He opened the gift holding it out as if it would explode in his face.

"It's nothing dangerous Ronald just look." Draco told him pushing the present to him.

"It's chocolate frogs." He said gleefully

"Hermione told me they were your favorite." Draco told the boy. He looked like he was about to thank him so he flicked him again. He had gotten all of them something.

Hermione had gotten a bracelet with a glass crystal hanging from it. He got the twins some uncommon candy from America. Then he got Ginny a quidditch magazine. It had all of the new quidditch players of the year. She held it up and shoved it in George's face.

When a present landed in Draco's lap he blinked down at it. It was wrapped in red and inside was a pair of dangly golden flower earrings.

Draco looked over at his uncle knowing perfectly that it was from him. His uncle smirked at him and Draco beamed at his mom. "I have to get my ears pierced now mom. Look at them. Aren't they lovely?"

She smacked Sirius right in the head. "I guess." She sighed putting a hand through his hair.

"Thank you uncle Sirius." He smiled at his uncle and Remus laughed handing something else out to Draco. He took it gently.

"Another one?" He asked

"Well of course." Ron Leaned over curiously and Draco leaned over to him as well to show him.

"What is that?" He asked Draco

Draco laughed "it's hair gems. They match perfectly with the earrings."

After they had finished opening presents it was almost time for lunch. Molly and Remus went into the kitchen to make something while the twins ran upstairs to do who knows what. Ron was a blushing mess at Ginny's teasing word about Hermione. Hermione seemed to be having a conversation with his mother and Sirius.

Harry pulled Draco aside and into another room. He shoved something into Draco's arm looking embarrassed.

Draco opened it wondering why Harry didn't give it to him earlier. Draco pulled out a necklace with dragon on it. It was made of emerald the same color as Harry's eyes. Draco leaned to Harry. "Did you know this is part of a set? This one is really hard to find only four are made. How's did you get it?" Draco asked him.

Harry bit his lip. "I have my ways." He told Draco

Draco smirked "ok Harry keep your secrets." He said kissing him quickly. Draco turned around and started walking back to the dining room. "I'll show you the rest of them later. Now let's go get some lunch."

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now