Draco was walking around the school grounds. He had just gotten back to Hogwarts that day and he felt like he could breath easier now.
It was a rough holiday. Draco stopped when he noticed a shaggy black dog standing by the forest. It was Sirius in his animagus form. His aunt Bella had found out about it and told everyone at the manor along with a lot more things Draco probably wasn't suppose to know.
Draco walked slowly to the dog. He was going to act like he had no idea who it really was. "Hey there boy. What are you doing here? Are you lost?" Draco spoke with a soft tone as he got on his knees and stroked the dogs head. It didn't seem to mind so he scratched behind his ears.
"What's your name huh? Who do you belong to!" Draco went on with the random questions knowing he wasn't going to get an answer.
His tail was wagging and he started to whine when Draco stopped petting his head.
Draco patted his legs and the dog flopped down on his lap. Draco rubbed his ears. The dog was a lot bigger than Draco thought it would be. It was almost as big as him. How was Draco supposed to help him. Maybe he could go to Professor Lupin.
He didn't have to think long because a tall scarred man caught his attention and Draco felt his stomach drop.
Professor Lupin was staring at Draco and then at the dog in his lap. Who was actually Sirius a convicted murder. Lupin didn't know he was innocent and Draco felt stupid for not knowing that Lupin would know his uncle was an animagus. Of course he would know he turned into one for Lupin.
"Mister Malfoy I think you might want to step away from the dog. Get over here and stand by me." Lupin told him sharply
Draco knew something bad would happen if he did that he looked at the dog in his lap and decided to play innocent "it's ok Professor I promise meatball won't come back I didn't mean to bring him."
Lupin looked a bit confused "meatball?"
"Yes sir, he's my dog. I brought him here I know there not aloud but I missed him. I promise to send him back sir. Please don't tell the headmaster. I won't do it again." Draco made his eyes water and his lip tremble. An old trick he used to make people feel bad for making a kid cry.
It was clearly working "no need to cry Draco. It's quiet alright let's just make sure it doesn't happen again ok." Draco nodded his head at the professor "I'm sure Hagrid will love to help send Meatball back. Why don't you tell me how long you've had him." He was still suspicious of him.
"Since I turned ten he was a present from my mum. Are you going to hit me?" His voice cracked on the last part. It was a mean tactic to say that to him but Draco needed the upper hand.
"No of course not you made a simple mistake. You won't be getting in any trouble ok. Don't worry about it why don't we just get this all sorted out ok." Lupin felt bad Draco knew he did. Draco knew how to play his cards and he played them perfectly. This man want even paying attention to Sirius anymore all of his attention was on Draco.
Draco softly moved Sirius head from his lap and Professor Lupin offered Draco a hand and a warm smile almost like a silent apology.
Draco took it and for extra effect he sniffed and wiped at his eyes. Watching in satisfaction as Lupin made a pitying face at him. Some people were so gullible when it came to young kids. Draco was glad for that or he would be in trouble.
Draco walked next to his teacher watching as Sirius rubbed against Lupins leg.
Lupin reached down and pet him and Sirius tail wagged so fast it blurred. They made it to Hagrid's hut and Lupin explained the situation and the half giant was more than happy to help.
"What do we say Draco?" Lupin asked
Draco pouted his lip and sniffled making himself seem sad that his dog would have to go "thank you sir." And with that Draco made himself cry tears running down his face. Both men's eyes popped.
Lupin was fast gently laying a hand on Draco's shoulder and patting it. "It's ok Draco you can see meatball later ok." He was trying to make him feel better.
Draco sniffled and hiccuped before doing something he would have never done.
He sobbed into professor Lupins shirt.
"I don't want him to go." Draco gasped playing his part well. Lupin looked guilty and even Hagrid looked like he wanted to let Meatball stay just for him.
"I know you don't want him to but he can't be here I promise it will all be ok." He had his arm around Draco now trying to get him to stop crying. Draco pulled on his professors heart strings a bit more just to get the effect across.
He looked up at both men with wet eyes. "Can I say by to him first?"
They both agreed way to fast leaving the hut quickly closing the door behind themselves.
Draco wiped the look on his face off in less than a second staring right at the dog. "Your welcome." He stated voice calm face relaxed.
The dog tilted its head at him "don't play dumb I know your Sirius black." The dog backed up and turned human. The man in front of him didn't look as bad as he should have. He probably looked way worse when he first got out. His black hair was thick and curly and hanging down to his elbows their were grey steaks in it. He was skinny but not sickly like he should be and his silver eyes were still challenging after all the years in Azkaban.
"How'd you know?" He asked not daring to looked frightened.
"My mom told me you were an animagus and that you took the form of a black dog. I saw you here and thought what a coincidence a black dog is on Hogwarts ground when Sirius black also happens to be able to turn into one."
Sirius held Draco's stare "why didn't you tell them who I was? Why did you act like you had no idea?"
"Obviously because I'm smart. I know perfectly well you didn't kill those muggles or your friends. It would be quit hard to kill someone who is still alive." Draco told him
His face twisted into desperation "you know about Peter."
"Of course I do did you not hear Lupin. My father is Lucius Malfoy he talked about it all the time." It was a lie aunt Bella was the one who said it but Draco couldn't tell him that she was still locked up.
"You have to go away or at least pretend to I just risked a lot for you uncle Sirius. I know your innocent but no one is going to believe me." Draco rushed the words out not wanting the two men outside to come in. They probably needed to hurry.
"Turn back into a dog and then there going to send you back and your going to run for it again ok." Thankfully he didn't argue he went back into dog form and just in time.
Draco rushed over to him and wrapped his arms around the soft fur of his neck and began to cry again.
Draco was never more pleased that he had taught himself to cry on demand. Lupin and Hagrid were standing just inside the hut. Draco stood up quickly wiping his eyes. "Bye meatball I'll see you when I come back home ok." Draco pet the dogs head one more time and walked to the door.
Lupin patted his back and lead him out of the hut. Draco's face was red from all the crying but thankfully by the time they made it back inside his face didn't feel so hot.
"I'm sorry professor I won't do it again I swear it. It was stupid I know please make sure Meatball makes it back home well." Lupin nodded at him and ruffled his hair. Draco normally would have snapped at someone for touching his hair but he needed Lupin to think he was a sweet kid.
He ended up going on his way after Lupin promised him that meatball would be ok and Draco decided that crying was a lot of work.
His head hurt and his eyes felt overworked and heavy. Draco crawled under the covers and passed out.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler
FanfictionDraco Malfoy finds himself back in third year with his memories that are now his future. What will he do? Will he change his fate and help others along the way? What will happen to Sirius black. Will his godfather Severus Snape help him? How will hi...