Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table eating dinner when a letter fell on the table in front of him. Draco blinked down at it. He wasn't expecting anything from his mother.
He grabbed it and gently opened the paper.
Dear Draco,
I hope this letter finds you well. I was hoping to talk to you over break but there was too much going on. I would have asked you after you got back to Hogwarts but I didn't want to stress you out. I know how hard it can be when going back to school. I wanted to ask you if you would be ok with me proposing to you uncle Sirius. Please write back soon. Have a good time and we all love you.Love Remus
Draco wasn't even embarrassed about the fact that he squeaked in excitement as he read the letter.
The Slytherins were staring at him as if he had grown and extra head but he didn't care. He smack the closest person to him shoulder. It was Theo. He grabbed the boy by the arm and started shaking him.
"Draco what the hell?" He asked concerned
"Oh for the love of Merlin Draco stop making that noise and just tell us." Pansy demanded as she swiped at Draco from across the table.
He dodged it but only barley before shoving the letter at her. "Read it!" He yelled
Her face changed from confusion to amusement. "Well Draco to me it looks like your getting another uncle."
"What?" Blaise asked as Pansy handed him the paper. Theo moved behind Draco to get a look and Blaise moved it so he could see as well.
"Holy shit Draco. I didn't even know Lupin was gay." Theo said
That statement caught both the Greengrass sisters attention. "Who's gay?" Astoria asked them curiously.
"Draco's uncle." He heard Vince grumble before going back to eating. Gregory was next to him nodding.
"What's the letter say?" Daphne asked Draco. "Did he just tell you he was?"
Draco shook his head "no it's not from my uncle. At least not yet anyway. There asking if they can marry my uncle." Draco told the girl excitedly.
"A wedding?" Astoria asked with an interested look on her face.
"Looks like it. Draco loves him." Gregory told the girls.
After Draco was done eating he ran to the owlery. He wrote a letter to Remus as fast as he could.
Dear Remus,
I must say I am more than thrilled that you wish to marry my uncle. I would love nothing more than for that. As long as I am invited to the wedding. Also I am doing well. Please tell my mother and uncle that i love them and I love you to.Love Draco
Right after Draco tied it to his owls leg and gave it a few pets it flew away. Draco turned around to see Harry standing there.
"Harry." Draco beamed wrapping his arms around his boyfriends neck and kissing him soundly. Harry kissed him back without hesitation and placed his hands on Draco's hips.
"You seem happy. Was it about the letter you got?" Harry asked him. Draco smiled at him and could feel his face scrunch up.
"It is. Did you get one?" Draco asked
Harry shook his head "No what was it about?" Draco wasn't sure if he imagined it but Harry didn't look all that exited.
Draco tilted his head slightly and leaned on Harry. There was no one around so it wasn't a big deal. "It was from Remus. He wanted to ask me if I was ok with his proposing to uncle Sirius." Draco told the other.
Harry lit up then a smile going on to his face "really that awesome!"
"I know can you believe it? I'm so happy."

Draco Malfoy the time traveler
FanfictionDraco Malfoy finds himself back in third year with his memories that are now his future. What will he do? Will he change his fate and help others along the way? What will happen to Sirius black. Will his godfather Severus Snape help him? How will hi...