Do you like her

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Draco hadn't expected the question. He was walking next to Blaise they were going to the dining hall to eat and both of them had woken up late. Theo had left them to sleep. It was the weekend so they wouldn't have classes but he still liked to eat.

Blaise was looking at him weirdly and Draco raised his eyebrow at the boy. "Do you like her?" He had asked Draco.

"Who?" He asked his friend unaware of who "she" was.

"Granger." He replied Draco stopped and turned to Blaise and kept a serious look on his face when looking up at the taller boy.

"Blaise I don't like her like that. I never will." Blaise opened his mouth but Draco stopped him and went on "Blaise I like guys not girls I never have." He swallowed waiting his friend just stood there looking extremely confused.

Draco had never told anyone he liked guys he knew that Blaise wouldn't care but he had never voiced his feeling like that to anyone other than his mother. He suspected that Severus knew though. "Ok. Then why do you hang out with her all the time now?" He asked almost offended.

"She's smart Blaise you know that she's at the top of most of her classes. Just like I am." He stated

"So, I'm smart to." He was jealous. It wasn't often that Blaise would get upset he never had any need to almost everyone liked him.

Draco almost laughed "I still love you Blaise it's not like I'm cheating on you by studying next to her. Your one of my best friends and that's not changing." His friend visibly relaxed at his words smiling down at him.

"Ok but you better not be lying."

"I would never dream of it. Now let's get some food."

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now