Before the holidays

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Draco was back in the library with a book between his hands as Neville tried to recite all of the ingredients in a strengthening solution.

"I have no idea what they all are there's too many." Neville complained.

"Too many Neville you memorized hundreds of plants. What's the difference between memorizing any of it?" He asked Neville

Neville groaned before laying his head down on the table. He pretended to cry.

"Neville stop that you need to know some of these things to pass our newts and you know it. So stop crying and let's get these things done." He clapped his hands and pushed the book over to him.

Neville lifted his head off the table and grabbed the book. "Yay your right." He said looking down at the page sadly.

"Hey you know the faster we get this done the sooner you can see Blaise." Draco told him this seemed to brighten his mood and he re read the page before they started again.

It only took a while longer before he could name the different ingredients without having to look at the page.

Draco put the books back that he wasn't reading and felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Seamus standing behind him. "Hey Seamus what can I do for you?" Draco asked the other boy.

"I was just wondering if you were going to Hogsmeade tomorrow."

Draco nodded "I am is something going on tomorrow?"

"I just was wondering if you would help me pick out a gift for Dean. Christmas is coming up soon and I want to get him an awesome present that he will absolutely love. Unfortunately I suck at giving gifts." He told Draco

"That's sweet that you want to get his something special. Any ideas?" Draco asked him

"Well he really likes sweets and football and obviously quidditch."

"What is football?" Draco asked

Seamus looked on the verge of laughing "it's a muggle sport you kick a circle ball into a net to make points. I don't actually know much about it though."

"I don't know much about it either but I'm sure we can find him something nice." Draco said while motioning for Seamus to follow him.

"Not much you don't know a thing about it Draco." Seamus said while sighing. He bumped his shoulder with Draco's and almost made him trip over himself. "Oh my bad." He said stifling a laugh.

Draco shoved his shoulder "shut up."

The next day Draco and Seamus walked around looking for something for Dean. Everyone else was somewhere else. Draco wasn't to sure where.

They walked into another shop. "Well you know what they say the third times a charm." Seamus informed him loudly.

Draco huffed "I guess." He said

They had been searching for quiet a while now and Draco was getting restless.

"Oh what about this?" Seamus asked

Draco turned to look at him in his hand was a tiny rubber ball and Draco was about to say no. Before he could Seamus threw it at his face and it bounced off of him.

Draco picked it up and thew it right back at him. Seamus acted far over dramatic and pretended to die.

Draco rolled his eyes "let's just look for something nice."

"Yay this is very difficult." Seamus said

Draco picked up a rock. He turned it over in his hand. "Is that obsidian?" Seamus asked him. Draco want really sure. He handed it over to Seamus when he stuck out his hand. "Yep definitely obsidian."

"You like different types of rocks?" Draco asked him.

Seamus shook his head "No Dean does. He collects all different types and tells me what they do or symbolize."

Draco blinked at him "why don't we get him something like that then."

Seamus thought for a second "oh that makes a lot of sense actually. That's a good idea let's find some more."

They went about collecting all sorts of rocks from a few other stores. They had opals,obsidian,amethyst,jade,sunstone and a few other neither of them could figure out.

Draco was told by Seamus that he had a whole little spot for just his rocks and candles.

"It's kind of how muggles see witches. With lots of potions and really ugly. But it also depends on what there going off of." Seamus said

Draco cringed "did they actually burn them alive?"

Seamus nodded at him "They did do that. Multiple times. It was mostly women though."

"Why was it only women?" Draco asked curiously

"Because only women can be witches." He said

"Did they not know about wizards?"

"Nope because only women could be evil. It's just how they worked not really sure why. Also do you want to go back to hang out with everyone else?"

Draco nodded "yay let's do that."

"Ok can you take the bag I don't want Dean to look in it." Seamus asked handing the bag over. Draco took it and held it in his other hand while they went to find there friends.

They found them at the three broomsticks sitting down at a table.

Draco took a seat next to Harry.

"What's in that bag?" Harry asked leaning over to look at it.

"Nothing." Draco told him "just some things I picked up earlier."

"What kind of things?" Harry asked him

Draco Leaned closer to Harry "Rocks." He said and Harry looked confused as he looked back down at the bag.

"Why?" He asked

Draco smiled at him "It's Seamus's bag I'm just holding it so Dean won't go through it. I'm being a good person."

"So it's for Dean?" Draco nodded and Harry asked a different question "What's it for?"

"Christmas." Draco told him. Harry nodded and handed a drink over to Draco.

"Maybe it will be fun this time."

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now