The burrow

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Draco probably shouldn't have been surprised that him and his mother were invited to the burrow for Christmas.

He was spending the night with his mother at there other house. She bought it after his father died so she wouldn't have to stay at the manor. They received a letter about the holidays from Molly Weasley asking them to come over for Christmas.

They had spent the last Christmas with them at his uncles so it wouldn't be that different.

His mother agreed and sent a letter back to them saying that they would love to join them. That meant Draco would see a lot more people for Christmas again.

They went over on Christmas Eve. Molly greeted both of them with hugs.

"It's so good to see the two of you. The boys are in the living room. Narcissa why don't you come join me for a second in the kitchen I've been meaning to talk to you."

Draco was pretty sure it was about his uncles wedding. It would be happening a few days before new years.

Draco walked into the living room to see Ron,Harry,the twins and Bill in there.

Harry must have heard him walk in because he turned to get up. He hugged him and gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. "Hello there Harry." Draco said smiling.

"And hello to everyone else." A chorus of hellos and hi's were heard. "Where are the girls?" Draco asked them.

"Fleur,Hermione,and Ginny are upstairs." Bill told him. "Also my brother Charlie will be here soon. He's the dragon tamer."

"Charlie?" Draco asked

"Yep you've never met him before." Ron told him. Draco was pretty sure he had met him before but he couldn't tell them that.

"That's nice. I forgot how many siblings you have. Will Peter be here?" Draco said to Ron.

Bill looked at Ron and mouthed Peter. "No Percy won't be here." Ron said and Bill seemed to realize what they were talking about.

"Oh looks like Malfoy doesn't like Percy." George said

"Why is that?" Fred asked

"I have my reasons." Draco told them.

"Ok keep your secrets." George said. Draco heard the stairs creak and he turned around.

Hermione stood there looking down at him with Fleur and Ginny behind her. "What secrets?" She asked him coming to hug him.

"We were just talking about there other brother." Draco informed her.

"Charlie?" Ginny asked

Ron shook his head "we were talking about Percy. Draco doesn't like him."

Ginny snorted "why?"

"That's the thing he won't tell us. It's a secret." Fred told her.

"Ok kids come eat dinner and leave Draco alone." Molly yelled from the kitchen. Ron and Ginny pushed there way to the kitchen throwing elbows at one another. Draco wasn't to sure if that's how siblings acted or if it was just them. He followed Hermione into the dining room.

He took a seat next to his mother and she smiled over at him. "When is uncle Sirius going to get here?" Draco asked

His mother blinked at him "Are you exited to see him?" She asked curiously

Draco shook his head "No but I am exited to see Remus."

"Do you like Remus more than Sirius?" Harry asked him placing his plate down and sitting on his other side.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now