Draco had told Neville to meet him in the library right after breakfast. It was the last day of the weekend and he was planning on helping Neville with potions.
"Hey Malfoy." He smiled sheepishly
"You don't have to call me that. If you want you can just call me Draco." He told Neville as he moved to sit next to him.
"Well ok then. Hello Draco." Draco smiled at him. "What are we studying?"
"Poison Antidotes." Draco answered easily. He already knew that it would be the things they learned about that year. He decided that he will help Neville to tell different antidotes apart and their main ingredients.
"Why?" He asked Draco clearly confused.
"I have a feeling that's what we're going over in potions." He said Neville seemed to believe him.
They were able to study for an hour and a half before they were bothered. Thomas and finnigan along with Lavender Brown sat down with them.
"What's going on here. Quite a strange pair we have today." Lavender said laughing a bit. Draco had never talked to her but he had always heard rumors about her. They were either about how rude she was or how it was a shame that she was so pretty but played with peoples feelings.
Draco understood the pretty part because she was. She had tan skin with freckles splattered across and a small nose and pretty amber eyes and brown wavy hair.
"Yay what are you two doing anyway?" Finnigan asked
"Studying for potions." Draco answered looking up from the book him and Neville were sharing.
"Really studying is that what they call it nowadays?" Thomas asked quirking an eyebrow at them.
"What do you mean?" Neville asked. Draco was confused as well looking at Thomas and then Lavender trying to see if she would say anything.
"He means it seems like you guys are on a secret date." Lavender supplies quickly
Draco wasn't angry about them thinking that but he didn't want anyone to say that they were dating. Blaise liked Neville and Draco wanted to be his friend and would never go for Neville no matter what.
"Your blushing Malfoy. Who knew you could look cute." Finnigan told him with a smirk. Draco watched Thomas's face and he didn't seem like a fan of that comment.
"We're not on a date so don't go spreading that around." Draco snapped at the three of them.
"Why not? Something wrong with Neville?" Thomas asked looking back and forth between them.
"No Neville is a good person but I know someone who has a crush on him I wouldn't want them to think I was trying to make a move. Then I would be a horrible friend."
Lavender looked surprised and Neville looked on the verge of passing out. "You didn't even say anything about him being a guy. Also who likes him?" Lavender asked leaning forward on her hand.
"Oh honestly I like guys." Draco said plainly he didn't care anymore. "Also I'm not telling you the second thing."
"Your gay?" Finnigan asked clearly surprised. "So am I dude."
"Yay I figured." Draco told him Thomas and Lavender shared a look.
"You knew. How?" Draco looked at him carefully.
"You want the truth." Finnigan shook his head hair flopping around. Draco stood up and leaned over to him before whispering "how you act with Thomas it's obvious you like him."
Finnigan turned to Thomas quickly a blush rising on the boys face while Draco sat back down next to Neville.
"Can I know who likes me?"
Suddenly the attention was back on Draco. He couldn't just expose Blaise like that. "I can't tell you that but if you pay a bit more attention to people around you I'm sure you'll figure it out with no issue. There quite obvious." Neville nodded his head. That's how the rest of the study session went.
They talked about drama and crushes and not once about potions.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler
FanfictionDraco Malfoy finds himself back in third year with his memories that are now his future. What will he do? Will he change his fate and help others along the way? What will happen to Sirius black. Will his godfather Severus Snape help him? How will hi...