The Party

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The party was taking place in a garden. There were tables set up and strands of lights hanging from the silk white canopy. Sirius looked beautiful his hair was pulled back in a ponytail with braids in his hair.

Draco had gotten his ears pierced and was wearing the earrings his uncle had got him and he had a couple of braids in his hair with gems in them.

Harry was standing next to him his hair was it's usual mess but he was dressed nicer than he normally was. He wore a button down that made his eyes pop and black fitted pants. He looked handsome.

People were coming all of the Weasley's and a few people Draco didn't really remember.

Bill Weasley was a taller man with longish red hair. The only thing Draco remembered about him was his wife and his scars which he didn't have yet.

Draco smiled as he stuck his hand out to him. Draco shook it and gave a very awkward smile to the man.

Harry was eying were there hands met. "Nice to meet you I'm Ron's older brother. Bill."He told Draco.

Draco nodded up at him "I'm Draco."

"My boyfriend." Harry told him with a weird look on his face. Draco rolled his eyes at him. Bill just nodded with a kind smile.

Draco was about to speak up when he saw blonde hair that seemed to glow. It was Fleur. Draco gaped at her. She was staring at Bill and Draco knew what that look meant.

He cleared his throat "I think someone's waiting for you." He smiled as Bill turned around.

Bill flushed a bit and walked over to her. "Is that fleur?" Harry whispered to Draco. In all honesty Draco didn't know that they met so early on.

"It is." Draco's aid confirming what Harry had asked him. Draco grinned over at him his face clearly confused.

"I think they have something going on." Draco said wiggling his eyebrows.

Harry looked freaked out at those words. "Huh?"

Draco snorted and leaned on Harry kissing him softly. "I think there dating Harry." He said again. Harry wrapped his arm around Draco's waist and looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Why is that funny?"

"I don't know." He said laughing a bit and hiding his face in Draco's neck. Draco just laughed with him.

The party had started. Luna and her father were there along with all of the Weasley's and Draco's mom and godfather. His cousin Tonks and her mom and dad.

Draco hadn't officially met his uncle Ted. He was tall and had brown hair. He smiled at Draco and he didn't seem as bad as his father always said. The man was extremely kind and didn't act the same way that Sirius did.

Ted didn't resent Draco. Draco knew Sirius cared for him but it was always obvious that he acted strained with Draco.

Draco sighed as the party went on. Severus was right next to him and Sirius had drank quiet a bit and was dragging Remus to the dance floor.

Draco watched as people moved around looking blurry. He noticed the look on Molly Weasley's face as she watched Fleur and Bill danced with each other.

The party wasn't to bad. He danced with Luna and at one point Neville and his grandmother showed up.

He ended up dancing with Neville as Harry watched with a smile on his face. Right now he had a hold of Harry's hand as he tried to get him to dance with him.

Severus and his mom were chatting with each other occasionally looking over at them. It only took a little more convincing.

Draco brought himself closer to Harry and kissed him. "Please Harry." It was a dirty trick to use but he pouted at him and fluttered his eyelashes. It worked perfectly within a few seconds they were dancing around and laughing.

When Draco sat down after he was done dancing Remus sat down next to him. "I think it's time." Draco almost screamed.

He shook his head and grabbed onto Remus arm. "Do you have the rings on you?" Remus asked him.

"Yay I kept them right in my pocket." Draco told him.

"Good I was scared that he would find them on me." He said with a happy look on his face.

Sirius had sobered a bit and was able to stand up straight and hold conversation. Remus went over to him and kissed him gently. They pulled away with a smile.

Remus asked for everyone's attention and all eyes turned to him. He took Sirius hand and smiled down at him.

"Sirius I've know you for a long time we were friends and we grew closer. I've loved you since the day we met. I want to be with you always. So I ask this Sirius Orion black will you marry me?"

Remus pulled out the rings and Sirius looked like he was about to cry. He had a huge smile on his face as he looked at him. "Yes. Yes!" He said pulling Remus into a searing kiss.

Everyone broke out into cheers at the union between the two. "I love you." He heard his uncle whisper.

The night ended with feeling high and Draco ended up wrapped in Harry's arms.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now