Valentines and drama

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Draco should have expected a bit of drama. After all it had been quiet since he got back from new years.

He was sitting outside with Luna. She was wearing a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and she had got him to wear her matching pair. She had the hair clip Draco had given her in her blonde curls.

She had a bag a little ways away from her. Inside the bag was a plushie that looked like a bunny. Just like her Patronus. As well as a new blue dress that had white flowers on it and a matching bracelet.

They were the only two out here right now and she didn't seem to mind.

"Hi Loony." Came a voice that Draco didn't recognize. Draco was not a fan of people who mocked his family. He turned his head so fast that his glasses fell off. The voice belonged to a tall lanky Gryffindor who had dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Next to him was a Ravenclaw girl who had long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Oh and who are you? I don't believe we've met." The boy and girl looked down at Draco. They hadn't seen him before. They both seemed to realize who he was.

"My names Draco Malfoy." He said standing up with a sneer on his face. He might not have had the same record as he used to but his name was enough for most people. "I'm sure you don't mean to call her that right? After all they would be bad for you."

The boy looked nervous "I had no idea I really thought it was her name." He stammered

He was lying Draco knew he was. The boy was a year younger than him. Draco wasn't even really sure who he was. "Move along." Draco said motioning them away.

They ran off leaving Draco standing there. He sat down and put his arm around Luna who seemed completely unbothered.

"Hey happy birthday Luna." Draco said. She smiled at him and leaned on him.

Draco wasn't sure what went on through Harry's head. The boy had seen him everyday and hadn't once asked him to be his valentine. Luna said he probably didn't realize he should ask and Draco scoffed.

They were sitting in the library much to Harry's dismay. He was whining the whole time and his glasses were slipping off his face.

He stared at Draco green eyes intense. Draco felt a blush creep up his face.

"What Harry?" He asked the darker boy.

"Nothing I'm just looking at you." He said with a shrug.

"Maybe if you spent at least half the time studying as you do staring at me you would be passing your classes." Draco told him snapping his book shut.

Harry didn't even looked the slightest bit offended. "You know tomorrow is Valentine's Day." Draco tried Harry only nodded.

Draco groaned was he going to have to spell it out for him. "Harry. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

"You already said that." Harry told him. Draco tried to keep his eye from twitching. Harry really was going to make him spell it out.

"Well so you have a valentines Harry?" Draco asked and he blinked at him confused.

"Well I mean we're dating." Harry said sounding defeated. "Do you have a valentine?"

"No because someone hasn't asked me yet." Draco said snappily

Harry made a confused face "I'm suppose to ask you? I though that since we were dating that you were my valentine?"

"Only if you ask Harry."

"Well will you be my valentine then?" Harry's said nervously as if Draco might say no.

"I thought you would never ask. I would love to." He said leaning over and kissing Harry quickly. He visibly relaxed.

"Happy Valentine's Day Draco." Blaise shouted at him as he dragged the blanket off of him. Draco groaned and thew a pillow at him barley missing. "Did golden boy ever ask you?" He asked curiously

"Yay." Draco said rubbing his eyes and yawning as he sat up out of bed.

"Must of sucked. Neville asked me at the beginning of the month." Blaise said cheerily

"Shut up. Harry didn't know he had to ask he thought we were already going to be each others date." Draco mumbled while getting out of bed to get dressed.

He grabbed a red sweater and a pair of dark skinny jeans. "Gryffindor colors?" Blaise snorted.

"Go to hell." Draco said looking around for Theo.

"He's already in the great hall or with Lee. I'm not really sure." Blaise informed him. Draco nodded at him and they left together.

Harry was standing in front of the doors to the great hall with Ron, Hermione and Neville. Neville had a blush across his face. Blaise was smirking slightly Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes.

They all spent the day walking around Hogsmeade. Harry kept buying him things. Basically anything he touched. It seemed that Pansy was off with a certain Slytherin girl and Theo was off with Lee.

So it was just six of them. Harry and him Blaise and Neville and Hermione and Ron. On there way to the three broomsticks he saw Luna and Ginny inside. Luna noticed him and ran over to him.

Both him and Luna were smiles and giggles as she told him that her and Ginny were on a date. Ginny looked at them like they were crazy.

"Would you like to join us?" Ginny asked them.

"Yay that sounds wonderful." Hermione answered.

"So you and Luna are friends?" Ginny asked him. Draco chocked on his drink and looked at Luna certain his face showed how offended he was.

"Friends we are best friends." Draco confirmed and Luna giggled.

"We're cousins actually but we're close." Luna told her.

Her eyes looked like they were going to fall out of her face. "Cousins" she repeated clearly surprised. Draco covered his smirk by leaning on Harry.

They spent dinner talking and sharing couple problems. Harry stared at him the whole time with a stupid lovesick look on his face that had Draco's face burning.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now