Its over

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Draco was waiting patiently at the train. Harry and the others would join him in a moment.

Blaise, Pansy , Theo and Neville were standing next to him. Neville and Blaise were leaning on each other. Ginny and Luna ran into the train yelling something about finding a compartment.

"Hey." A voice said grabbing him gently on the hips. Draco turned around to smile at Harry. He kissed him swiftly and saw Ron looking at Hermione.

Draco held back his laugh "hello there what took so long. Theo's been trying to make a run for it this whole time."

Ron made a strangled noise "We were being questioned about my brothers stunt." Ron said looking tired of it all.

The twins ride in on there brooms and shot off fireworks just like last year but it seemed even bigger and louder. They definitely stepped up there game.

"I figured. Poor Theo's been pouting the whole time because Lee is in their year." Draco told the Gryffindors.

"I forgot you were dating him." Hermione said pushing her frizzy curls away from her face.

"Yay he promised to write to me. It's that just sweet." Theo said with a longing look in his blue eyes.

"Alright don't get to sentimental on us Theo." Pansy told him while Blaise chuckled. "Your down bad you know that. I can't believe Draco was the only one who did that."

"Hey." Draco yelped "I do not." He replied stubbornly

Harry leaned on him "I think your lying." He said easily moving hair out of Draco's face.

"Harry does it to. He had an extremely unhealthy obsession with you. He never shut up I swear. He would talk my ear off. Malfoy's hair is longer. Did you see his smile." Ron said mocking Harry's voice.

Harry groaned "I did not."

"Yes you did." All of the Gryffindors replied in unison. Draco giggled.

"That's so sweet Harry." Draco said and Harry stared blankly at him. "Don't look like that Harry. I was obsessed with you to."

"No kidding it was horrible listening to you say Potter so many times. I've never heard someone say one word so many times." Blaise said annoyed

Draco blushed furiously "Let's just get on the train." And pulled Harry with him.

They all follows on and sat in an empty compartment. Seamus and Dean ran off to sit with Luna and Ginny.

They waved them goodbye. Draco and Harry were sitting on one side with Pansy and Theo. On the other was Blaise, Neville, Ron and Hermione.

They chatted through the whole ride while Blaise and Neville stared at each other sickeningly sweet.

Draco noticed the stares Ron was sending Hermione. "So we're is Lee anyway and the twins?" Pansy asked

"Oh they are in a different compartment." He said simply

"Why aren't you sitting with him?" Neville said looking away from Blaise for a quick second.

"Yay Theo we understand if you want to hand out with him. We'll be able to see you at school and he won't." Draco said

Theo beamed at them "Really if you don't mind them I'm going to find my boyfriend." Then he stepped out and went off to find the twins and Lee. Draco watched him leave and Pansy scooted over.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now