The accident

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Draco was going to his uncles place for Christmas along with Harry. They would be leaving tomorrow. Draco went to say bye to Severus who was in his room.

"Severus!" Draco shouted as he walked into his room.

Severus looked at him from were he was sitting "shouldn't you be leaving Draco?"

Draco nodded fast enough that his hair was flying in his face. "I wanted to say bye before going." Severus stood up and went over to where he was standing.

"Your staying with your uncle right?" He asked

"Yep." Draco confirmed

"I got you some healing potions in case you pass out again." He said while motioning Draco over. Draco followed him to the other side of the room. His godfather pulled out a box filled with three healing potions.

"Thank you Severus. I got you something to."

"Don't be dense this is not your present. Believe it or not I know how to get actual gifts. Why don't you go grab it. It's over by my desk in green paper." Draco walked over and grabbed the package.

He looked over at Severus expectingly and he sighed at him. "Just open it." Draco smiled before pulling the paper back. I'm the package was a beautiful hair clip. It was black with white gems and looked like a snake. "Don't worry it's not made of silver I made sure of it."

Draco ran and wrapped his arms around his godfather. Crushing him in a hug. Severus placed a hand on his head and smoothed down his hair and hugged him with one arm.

Draco smiled up at him as he pulled something out of his pocket eagerly handing it to him. Severus looked at the package before opening it. Inside it was a ring. It looked like a snake made out of green crystals and had black obsidian eyes.

"I made it myself." Draco told him catching him by surprise. "I transfigured it from a rock. Do you like it?"

Severus looked at him "of course I do. I had no idea you were so skilled at transfiguration." He said raising an eyebrow.

"I've been practicing."

"You need to leave before you get left behind."

"Right." Then Draco was pushed out of the room. When he made it to the upper floors he ran into Harry. He didn't look well.

"Draco come on we have to go." He told Draco dragging him up to Dumbledore's office.

"Harry what's happening?"

"Ron's dad got seriously hurt we have to leave early." He told him.

They made it to his office and inside stood all the Weasley siblings. The twins, Ron and Ginny as well as Hermione. Draco forgot how could he be so stupid. He was attacked by Nagini. Draco almost threw up thinking about it.

Ron looked horrible but so did everyone else. Draco pulled Ron over who just slumped into him. Draco wrapped his arms around him and Ron laid his head on his shoulder.

Draco had to act clueless "what happened?" Ron's arms gripped loosely at Draco's shirt.

"Arthur Weasley was hurt badly and we need to send you home early. You will use the portkey to get you to Sirius black's home."

Ron moved sluggishly when he stood and Draco kept a hold of him. He didn't realize that Harry was that close to them because he didn't look much better off than them. They were transported to his uncles house and Draco got dizzy. The only things he had on him was what he was wearing and the potions from Severus.

Molly Weasley was standing there with tears in her eyes. She hugged her children while Sirius took Harry and Hermione. Draco's felt tears well up in his eyes watching it all happen. His mom wasn't there so he just stood there completely out of place.

He felt hands on his shoulder. It was Remus. Draco blinked back tears as he hugged Remus. Remus held him tightly and he smelt of chocolate.

They were all in the dining room some were sitting and others standing. "Your father was hurt but he was found before he could get to bad. He's going to be ok he just needs some time to heal." Molly told them her voice wobbly

They ate dinner in silence the air was thick. Draco didn't eat much.

There were enough rooms for everyone to have their own but the twins decided to share and so did Ginny and Hermione. Draco thought it was a good idea to share but he didn't want to get in trouble for sharing with Harry. So he just went to his room. It still looked the same. He had green and black bed set. With a green fuzzy rug and a chair in the corner near the window.

Draco looked at the moon before deciding he wasn't ready to go to bed. Harry wasn't in his room so he went to Ron's.

He was sitting on his bed picking at the bed sheets. Draco sat next to him and the bed dipped. Ron looked at him. "Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked Draco

Draco shrugged "I could ask you the same thing." They didn't say much more instead just sitting in silence until Draco spoke again. "I know your worried but he will be fine. Your mom even said so."

Ron sniffed a bit before leaning on him. Draco let him. Ron wasn't as bad as he made himself believe just a bit stubborn.

"This hurts my back we should lay down." Ron said while flopping backwards. Draco joined him with out flopping. They were shoulder to shoulder and looking up at the ceiling.

"It's quiet. Is that normal?" Draco asked the red head. He shook his head.

"Not one bit. Is it quiet for you?" He asked in turn

"Not when mom and uncle Sirius fight. Which is a lot." Draco told him truthfully

Ron laughed "fight. How so?"

"Not just arguing. At one point Remus had to make me leave the room because they started throwing hands." Then Ron started cracking up and wheezing.

"Your lying?" He wheezed tears coming out of his eyes

"I'm not Ron honestly they fight all the time." Now Draco was laughing. He imagined how strange it looked. The two of them laying in bed and laughing so hard they were crying.

Apparently they were louder than they thought because someone was knocking on the door. Draco went to go get it still laughing then fell right into the door when he went to open it. Causing Ron to laugh harder and clutch his stomach.

Draco got the door open with tears from laughing and from face planting in the door. He wasn't sure but he thinks there was blood on his face.

It was Hermione and Ginny with worried looks on there face. "Draco your bleeding." Hermione shouted and Ron stopped laughing and bolted up.

Draco wiped his nose and when he looked down at his hand there was blood. "Oh. I think it's from the door."

Then Ginny snorted "I'm so sorry. That was you that hit the door?" Draco nodded at her as she tried to hold in her laugh. Draco pulled Hermione into the room with his non bloody hand. Ginny shut the door and they all sat on Ron's bed.

Draco's nose wasn't actively bleeding anymore so it was ok. "You guys had us worried we thought you were dying." Ginny told the two of them.

"What was so funny?" Hermione asked curiously

"Apparently Sirius and Draco's mom get into physical fights with each other. To the point that Lupin has to get Draco out of the room." Ron said trying not to laugh again.

Ginny looked flabbergasted "your kidding."

"No it actually happens. They hardly ever get along." Draco told them

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now