Coming to an end

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Draco was currently sitting in his potions class. Harry was across the room sitting next to Ron. Blaise was on Draco's right side staring longingly at Neville and Draco almost laughed.

"Oh shut up you look at potter the same way." He muttered.

Draco's face got hot and he elbowed Blaise. "I do not." Draco stated

"Mhm whatever you say Draco." Blaise said turning back to look at Neville. This year had been far more calm then it was the last time he lived it.

Without Draco and the other Slytherins against Harry Umbridge was unsuccessful with catching the D.A. Meetings.

She would however roam around the hallways like a predator stalking for its prey.

Draco pushed away his thoughts and focused on what Severus was saying. They would be writing an essay over all the potions they learned this year and which was more difficult.

Draco didn't think that any of them were actually hard but he did have far more experience than everyone else.

Pansy who was right in front of him looked like she was on the verge of falling asleep. Theo who was sitting next to her kicked her in the leg making her jump.

Her eyes were wide as she took in the room. She relaxed when she realized we're she was. Then she slapped Theo right across the arm.

He winced "Ow your welcome." He scoffed at her agitated.

When class ended Severus called Draco behind. Draco waited until everyone left giving Harry a smile before he closed the door behind him. Draco started at his godfather questioningly.

"Don't worry your not in trouble I just wanted to talk to you and see how you and your mother were doing." He stated calmly

Draco smiled at the man in front of him "Mom wants you to visit she misses you and I do to."

"You miss me you do realize we see each other every day." He draws

Draco sighed "So I miss you over the holidays and summer. Don't you miss us. You should come over." Draco was about to start pouting. He knew it would work on Remus but he wasn't so sure about his godfather.

"I don't know if that would be a good idea me and your uncle dont exactly get along." He said solemnly patting Draco's arm.

"Please Severus. They can suck it up for a little while I know mom really misses you. Your her best friend."

Severus drew out a sigh "fine." Draco beamed at him.

"Yes! Moms going to be so happy." Draco told him shaking his shoulders. "I'll go write to her now." Severus bid him goodbye and ran off happily.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now