The yule ball pt 2

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Potter had basically cornered Draco in the courtyard just to ask him who he was going to the Yule ball with.

"Are you going to tell me?" The Gryffindor boy asked

"I'm probably not even going potter. Who are you taking?" He knew last time he took Pavarti but she was going with Lavender.

"Er well I haven't asked anyone yet." He said glancing around at everyone else but Draco.

"Well do you have any one in mind?" Draco questioned the boy.

"Yay but I don't really want to be rejected." He mumbled

"Why would anyone in their right mind say no to the chosen one." Draco teased watching Potters reaction closely.

"Probably someone who doesn't care that I'm the chosen one." He told Draco. Staring at the person next to them. They just got asked to be another persons date.

"Who wouldn't care about you potter?" Draco asked curiously. Draco wondered if potter was just going to stall the whole time or tell him who he wanted to take. Was it Cho Chang? He remembered something about that.

"You." He said. He made eye contact with him causing the blond boy to blush.

"Me? Like you want to go with me? Why?" Draco wasn't processing the words well. It surprised him. Maybe he just meant as a friend.

"I like you. I thought you knew and you were just pretending not to know." He told him eying him.

"I had no idea honestly. I thought you liked girls?" Draco said stunned.

"Well I do but I also like you." Potter looked a bit on edge as he talked about the topic. "Do you want to go with me? I know you said you might not go but would you?" Potter asked

Draco felt extremely embarrassed potter was asking him to be his date. Harry Potter the chosen one. Was asking Draco Malfoy an ex death eater. Well not yet anyway.

"I yes!" Draco yelled startling people around them. He let out a strangled laugh.

"Really you'll go with me?" It was potters turn to looked surprised. Then he was smiling like an idiot. "Awesome." He said simply.

He told his friends exactly what happened when they saw him look through his clothes for something red. They ran around like headless chickens. Hermione taught him that. Pansy was on top of a table yelling.

"Please stop I have nothing red that's a lot more important right now. What am I supposed to wear?" Draco complained.

"We can get your mother to send you something." Pansy told him while getting off the table with the help of the older greengrass sister.

"That's a brilliant idea pans. I'll go write to her now." Draco ran away.

His mother agreed to send him something red for his date. She also told him that his uncle was thrilled that he and Harry were going together. For a while Draco forgot that they were staying together.

Draco Malfoy the time traveler Where stories live. Discover now