Not jealousy, but fear

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Some time passed. Brooke is at Forrester Creations and she looks t some documents. Rick enters the office.

Rick: Hey mom.

Brooke: Hey Rick. Good to see you.

Rick: So where is Ridge?

Brooke: Uhmm... Well... 

Rick: Let me guess... He went to Switzerland again?

Brooke: Well, he and Taylor are really worried about Steffy... They don't want to abandon her. 

Rick: I get it... But how do you really feel about it? Ridge is leaving you each weekend.

Brooke: It's okay... Really.

Rick: Yeah I don't buy it.

Brooke shooks her head. 

Next scene: At Marone industries Jack and Nick talk.

Jack: Dad is travelling the world again and we are stuck in the office... Well, at least one of us. You were on an exotic trip with your wife not so long ago.

Jack: Dad... Sally was working half of the time.

Nick: Really? You didn't tell me about it.

Jack: What am I supposed to say? Hey dad, the holiday was just half good because my wife had to work? 

Nick: I'm sorry... Hey, look at the bright side. Your wife is very successful and soon when the collection will be done... You will have her all to yourself... That is... Until the next collection of course.

Jack: Well, I want my wife to be fulfilled in her career.... But I hope that next time she won't design with Thomas. 

Nick: You still don't trust he guy? 

Jack: Let's say that he kind of makes me feel insecure... And I don't like that, but I will continue supporting Sally. She deserves it.

Jack: Anyway? How is mom Taylor doing?

Nick: She's in therapy... And she's working... She's fine. You saw her few days ago. She looked okay, right?

Jack: Yeah. I hope it stays that way. Her ridiculous war with mom Brooke needs to end... It's the best thing that could happen for both of my mom's. 

Next scene: Back to Rick and Brooke.

Brooke: Rick, I know you aren't Ridge's biggest fan... You never were...

Rick: True because you deserve someone that's crazy about you.

Brooke: Ridge is crazy about me. Trust me... You don't see us when we are alone... It's pure magic.

Rick: Spare me the details. So... I heard that Taylor is in therapy?

Brooke: Yes... I think it's good for her. I hope that at some point we will even be able to be friends.

Rick: I wouldn't have such high hopes, but being cordial would be amazing, right?

Brooke: Yes. It would be. Rick, please... Stop trying to badmouth Ridge... He is my husband... I love him and I don't feel abandoned by him. Steffy is his child and it's more than understandable that he wants to be there for her. 

Taylor walks in to the office.

Taylor: Hey...

Rick: Taylor? 

Rick is visibly surprised.

Brooke: It's good to see you... We were actually talking about you.

Taylor: About my therapy?

Bold and the Beautiful Alternative Version Season 3Where stories live. Discover now