Carnival! Ellis x Reader

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This is set before the green flu outbreak. 

Y/F/F = Your Favorite Food

L/F/F = least favorite food

"Y/N, ya ready?" Ellis asked, a big grin on his face, as he stood before you. "Yeah, I'm all ready." You said with a nod, adoring his excitement for the carnival. "Woo! Let's go!" Ellis practically yelled, as he swiftly made his way to the front door, his boots thunking noisily against the wooden floor.

You were rather excited yourself, although you didn't express it the same way Ellis did. He opened the door for you, grinning ear to ear at you. You returned the grin, nodding at him as a 'thank you' gesture. The two of you made your way to the dark red pickup truck and Ellis got into the driver's side, while you hopped into the passenger seat.

Ellis buckled his seatbelt, just as you did, then turned the keys in the ignition and the engine turned on. He grabbed the stick shift and put the truck into drive, before pulling out of the driveway and heading out of the neighborhood.

"Awh man, y/n, I'm so excited to take ya to Whisperin' Oaks, for the first time! Whaddya think we should do first? I think they added new rides too!" Ellis asked you, thinking of all the things that are at Whispering Oaks. Roller coasters, Ferris wheels, bumper cars, huge slides, and much more.

You paused for a moment, thinking about your answer, letting out a low hum. "Maybe go on a roller coaster?" You suggested, looking to the giddy, smiling, mechanic. "Hell yeah! Start off strong! I like your way of thinkin' y/n!"

You couldn't help but chuckle lightly at his enthusiasm. He was always such a cheery guy, and seeing him even happier than he usually was, was the cutest thing you'd ever seen. "What's your favorite ride there? Ooh, also what's the best food there?" You asked him, your excitement was quite obvious, especially when you mentioned food. You remembered food from the state fairs that you used to attend, before moving to Georgia, and you were hoping to God that the foods would be similar. "The Screamin' Oak has got to be mah favorite! It's such a big, fast, coaster!" Ellis's smile only grew bigger, as the truck pulled to a stop at a Stop Light.

"But for food? Hmm..." Ellis started to think pretty hard about your question, idly tapping his right index finger on the beige steering wheel. "Shit, y/n, I can't think of anythin'! There's so many foods there! Maybe cotton candy?" He couldn't choose one food out of the large variety. "Cotton candy's pretty good." You said with a nod, the light turning green, and Ellis continuing to drive.

"Did I ever tell ya 'bout that one time, where mah buddy, Keith, fell out the roller coaster?" Ellis brought up the story you'd heard a thousand times, but you enjoyed his stories, even if you'd heard them hundreds of thousands of times and memorized every detail of it. "Yes, Ellis, only a hundred times, but we're trying to get to a million. So, lemme hear it."

Ellis chuckled at your remark, before he continued to tell the tale. "Yeah, he didn't drop far, mind you, just onto the tracks, but the carnival people wouldn't stop the ride 'cause all the other people paid good money and Keith snuck on for free, so he had to dodge for, like, 20 minutes or so." Ellis retold the story, as if it'd happened just yesterday. "Now yer at a hundred 'n one!" He added with a laugh, looking to you.

Your eyes met briefly, before he returned his gaze back to the road. You always loved those soulful, blue eyes of his. They portrayed so much more emotion than he could show- which was a lot, as he was very expressive. He loved your e/c eyes just as much as you loved his. Yours were exceptionally beautiful in the sunlight and moonlight, shimmering like the scales of a betta.

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