It's All Fun and Games, 'Til Someone gets Hurt. (Nick x Reader)

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Y/f/m = your favorite melee

This is set roughly around late September, early October, maybe 3-4 months after The Parish.

Also, Nick is kind of out of character, so I do apologize for that...

It was getting late, and no one had gone out for supplies yet, which caused some problems quicker than expected. The group was getting low on food, having maybe a day's worth of rations left, which meant two members would have to go out searching for food...

And that, led you to now. The five of you arguing about who goes and who stays. No one but Ellis wanted to go, but Coach, Rochelle, and Nick were dead set against letting him go, as he was arguably the worst at focusing.

"Cmon, please?" Ellis begged, only for Coach, Rochelle, and Nick to be quick to tell him 'No' in unison, varying harshness between voices.

More arguing followed, Nick getting progressively angrier and you began to feel your patience running out. No one was listening to anybody, and no one was willing to reason.

Four voices were almost garbled from the different words and voices being spoken at once, progressively getting louder and harsher.

You tried to speak numerous times, but no one would listen. Why would they?

Your rapidly felt your annoyance bubbling up within you. Four people arguing all in a chaotic jumble, Nicks angry voice was especially pissing you off. You didn't know why, but you felt greatly annoyed by his pissy voice.

"Guys!" You tried getting their attention, but your voice fell on deaf ears, much to your exasperation. "GUYS!" You spoke louder, but no one acknowledged you. That really pissed you off.

"EVERYONE, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Please!" You shouted in a gruff bark, your voice being much louder and harsher than anticipated.

Well, that worked. Everyone stared at you with shock, surprised such a firm, commanding voice came from you, of all people.

The silence in the room though, was deafening, and it was beginning to tug at the anxiety that lurked just below the surface of your mind. You didn't exactly think it'd work, so now you had to think of what to say, and fast.

"Arguing like this isn't getting us anywhere! So let's just CALMLY discuss this! Please." You said as calmly as you could, but the arguing was still playing in your mind, grinding your gears, and making you want to claw out your brain to make it stop.

"Y/n is right. We should calmly talk about things." Rochelle was quick to side with you. She always saw you as fairly reasonable, and she often sided with you because of this.

And so, discuss you did. You all did. After a while, you went silent, seeing what the verdict would be... which there wasn't much of one.

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