Awh, that's bullsplit!

94 3 36

Just something silly and lighthearted lol

This was thought of by shutup-ellis a bit ago, so all credits to her! Also go check out her L4D oneshot work, because it's really good and good writers need the attention they deserve, goddamnit! And if you don't, I will curse you with the misfortune of sharting your pants every full moon, and shitting the bed so violently, it burns a hole through your mattress, while you bleed heavily from your ass, every blood moon.

also, check out what I drew! poor Hunter... he's terrible at math.

Enough blabbing.

Well, it's just the three of you. Nicky, El, and yourself. No, the others aren't dead, they're just back at the saferoom, but you three had been sent out, to check out a nearby bowling alley. Nick didn't want to, but Coach forced him to go. Oh well, nothing he can do about it.

It was the cool morning hours, dew on emerald green leaves glittered like little diamonds in the sun. The open sky's pale blue, unobstructed by fluffy clouds, was a promise of good weather. The fresh breeze smelled amazing, hearing the birds singing happily in the nearby birch and pine canopies, added to the serenity.

Ellis was lively as ever, watching the birds dart around, seeing foxes scurry about, and taking in the scenery.

Nick just looked annoyed as usual. Nick's white suit, albeit dirtied with god knows what, was practically gleaming in the sunlight. His gold rings were shining and glittering, catching your eye quite often, due to the sun's reflection bouncing off the metal surface, and stabbing you right in the eye.

Painfully bright...

It was all so peaceful. You wanted to just sprout your own pair of wings and fly away with the birds, but don't we all? As much as this apocalypse sucked, the lack of pollution and taxes was quite nice. And you didn't have to go to work! Woohoo!

You looked at Nick's face. His expression was sour as usual. Then, you looked to Ellis' next, and he was absolutely bedazzled by the nature surrounding him, and not paying attention to what was right in front of him.


"Ow! Damn!"

Yeeeaap. He just walked into a tree. You chortled at his misfortune, watching him rub the side of his face. Nick was fighting back a laugh, which got incredibly hard for him, when he saw the scrape on Ellis' face.

"That scrape looks like it hurts." You commented, walking up to him. He looked at you and smiled. "Naw, it's fine." He chuckled, starting to laugh at himself. "Dunno how I even walked into that tree!" He said through giggles, which caused you to titter. "I think someone planted it!" You joked, causing his laughter to get much louder.

"Would you two shut up? You're gonna attract some of those damn infected." Nick scolded the two of you, and you had to admit, he was right. "Yeah, true... true." You mumbled, glancing around. You checked the chamber of y/f/w, ensuring there was a bullet in there that was ready to be fired.

You continued on, searching for the bowling alley.

Alrighty, once we get there, we'll look around, see if there's any supplies or a saferoom or something...

...I wonder if it's all still functional...

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