Fallen Leaves

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If you like black coffee or sparkling water, your taste is about to be mildly insulted. Oopsies, tee hee!

It was a cool autumn morning, and everyone was just waking up, in the saferoom. You and Ellis were the first people awake, which was unusual for you, as you rarely were up this early.

Ellis was always up early, wide awake the second his eyelids opened. In a way, he reminded you of a budgie. Awake at the crack of dawn, humming gleefully, and chattering nonstop to anyone who would listen. His playful and happy demeanor really solidified the similarity between him and a budgie. It was pretty cute, in a way.

"I ever tell ya 'bout the time mah buddy Keith had a turd thrown at 'im?" You looked up at him from the table and snorted, trying to hold back your laughter. "No, what happened?" You asked him, and he smiled widely at you. You took a sip of water, while he sat across the table from you.

"Yeah, Keith 'n this old guy was gettin' into a fight, y'see, and that old sonuvabitch musta shit himself or sumthin', 'cause he pulled out this huge, stanky log of a turd from his britches and threw it at Keith! Aw man, y/n, yew shoulda heard the sound it made! Long story short, Keith smashed the shit right on that man's back when he was waddlin' away. Guy turned 'round, and he pissed in Keith's eye. Keith's eyes was crusted shut for WEEKS after that." Ellis told the story through giggles and wheezing laughter.

By the end of the story, you were on the verge of tears from laughter, which only made Ellis laugh harder.

"Could you two shut the hell up?!" Nick snapped from his sleeping bag, glaring at you both. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that." Ellis apologized, and Nick mumbled something.

"So, he- Keith had a turd thrown at him," you started, and Ellis nodded, humming. "And he smashed it against the dude's back?" You asked Ellis, fighting every single cell in your body to not burst out laughing. "Yep." He confirmed, adjusting his hat.

You pulled your hoodie hood over your eyes and shook your head, snickering at the thought. "Keith got pinkeye from getting pissed on, then?" Rochelle asked sleepily, leaning against the table. "Shit, I think so. It was nasty as hell... yellow crust and a cheesy lookin' goop shit." Ellis wasn't even sure if it WAS pinkeye or not, but he knew it wasn't good.

"Ew." Rochelle's skin visibly crawled at the imagery she got him her head. "Mmm, the forbidden grilled cheese." You joked, making Rochelle gag (she deserves it) and Ellis shake his head and chuckle. "It did kinda look like melted cheese- 'least the goopy shit did."

Rochelle quickly walked away, as to not puke. "Oh- I ever tell ya about the time mah buddy Dave tried to-" Ellis was cut off by Nick's very annoyed voice. "SHUT IT, HILLBILLY!"

You turned around, and glared at Nick, while Ellis shook his head, smiling. "C'mon now, Nick, you-" "ELLIS, SHUT UP! GOD! Nobody cares about your stories or your buddy Keith or Dave or whatever other cousin-fuckers you know!"

You saw Ellis's hurt expression, and you felt incredibly bad. You couldn't just let Nick be an asshole to Ellis! "Nick, calm down. And be nice! Ellis didn't do anything to you, and maybe listen to yourself, because you're being much louder than he is!" You defended the southern man, and Nick sat up, staring you down.

You stared right back. His frigid, dark glare was intimidating for sure, but you didn't back down. Your brave e/c eyes were locked in a deathly staring contest, with unblinking, furious silver eyes.

You were staring into the eyes of someone who had the potential to snap, losing his shit, and killing you at any moment in time, without two shits in the world. That thought scared you, but you refused to bow to anyone, especially not Nick.

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