Chapter 2

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Flashback/ Dream

The bell rings and children hurriedly leave the class. ' Finally, no more school.'

'It's summer, I can't believe it.'

I leave the class among the last. I'm in no hurry to leave because I know my dad won't pick me any time soon. He normally comes when everyone has already gone home. I hold my school books onto my chest as I walk slowly on the hallway. I close my eyes and breathe deeply then a smile forms on my face. I love it when the school is quiet. I start thinking how my mom would look like and how she comes to me, smiling as she takes my small hand as says, " Hey darling, finally found you. Are you ready for..."

I trip and fall down and my long pleated skirt covers my head as my blue-dotted panty is exposed. I hear feet stamping rushing towards me and soon stop. Laughter breaks out and near me someone sneers at me," Seems Miss Nerd-a-tron decided to give as a show before we go home for summer."

Snickers were heard and as I tried to rise up I was pushed and tripped over my loose laces. My jaw hit first on the concrete floor and I bit my tongue. A tangy fluid covered my mouth. Someone steps on my back so that I can't move.

"I didn't tell you to get up yet . We still need to be entertained."

I recognized George's voice. Anger and hopelessness fill me. George is the most popular boy in school. His father is a rich entrepreneur and also the patron of the school.Also, they used to live in England before they came to Ohio .When I came to this school last year, George seemed to find me a good victim of his tortures. And worst of all ,because I live in the poorest part of Ohio , it became a good excuse for people to ignore me as I was being hit and beaten by him.

I bit my lip to prevent the sobs from coming. I didn't want George to get the satisfaction of seeing me cry and embarrassing myself further in front of the crowd.

"STOP THIS NOW!"Someone shouted and George's foot left my back. Afterwards, I saw a hand in front of me. I held onto it and was lifted from the ground easily.When I looked at the person who defended me, I was magnetically pulled by his blue-green eyes. The more I looked at them the bluer they became. He also seemed stunned and couldn't seem to stop staring at me as I did him. He looked older than any of us and I've never seen him in this school.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Mrs. Gretta ,the principal,asked as she came towards us. I blinked hence broke eye contact with the boy. The crowd cleared and George disappeared. Mrs. Gretta looked annoyed but as she saw my wounded face, she was surprised then took my hand as she directed me to the nurse's office. She asked a lot of questions as to what happened and I lied that I had tripped. My mind was occupied by the strange boy and as I looked behind , hoping to see my savior , he was nowhere in sight. I felt very sad and forlorn as I reached the nurse's office . I hadn't even realized I was crying until the nurse started soothing me , hugging me saying that everything is gonna be alright.


Oh sh*t ! I checked the alarm clock and saw it was seven thirty in the morning. 30 minutes until the first lesson started. I hurriedly went to the shower and within ten minutes I was running out of the house, saying a quick goodbye to my mom and Trevor, until to the bus stop. When I reached there the late bus had already gone by a mile. Cursing myself, I started running towards it, flailing my hands to catch the bus driver's attention. Because I was not fit, I started breathing hard by the time I lost the bus. Damn.

I stopped and held my knees to catch breathe. This is why I can never think of joining sports. So much running and losing breathe was never my cup of coffee.

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