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" Gave a hundred percent but all I got from"

It was music from the party. We were near where the party was. It took all my energy and screamed my lungs out. I felt excruciating pain on my forehead and saw that Collins was stepping on my face.

"You bitch. You'll pay for that."

Suddenly, the music stopped and later heard the door of the room being cracked open. Collins transformed himself into the lizard monster and waited for the intruders.

No! Whoever would save me would be crushed. No! No! This couldn't be happening. It shouldn't be happening.

I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see my rescuer(s)  be hurt by this monster. I struggled to release myself although I knew it was a hopeless case. I opened my eyes and saw myself free from the chains and the lizard monster was nowhere to be seen. I looked towards the door and saw Chad looking straight at me.  His eyes were completely blue but look different from normal. There was a feeling of a magic in them. He came towards me and picked me up bridal style and I felt myself fading from the room as I heard a group of people coming in the room. They didn't seem to see us. I clung onto him and welcomed the darkness.


At the party, Fay disappeared after the dance with Ashton. The following day, people learned that she was attacked and was currently in hospital. However, when her friends looked for the hospital she was admitted, there was nothing. Even her family also seemed to have disappeared. They weren't in the estate they were in anymore.

Fay seemed to have disappeared, vanished into thin air. Even the belongings in school were not there anymore. Luckily she only had to wait for graduation.

A/N; Well the party is over. There are two mysteries .

Who was Collins disguised as? Where did Fay go to?  And other mysteries. So share, vote and comment.

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