Chapter 6

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Chad's POV

Look at me. Do you remember me?

I watched her as she was walking towards the library, staring at her hoping that she would remember me from long ago. But she entered the library without a backward glance and I had a strong urge to hit the steering wheel in frustration but felt my sister staring at me.

I looked at her. She had folded her arms and was smirking at me.


"Nothing other than the fact that there is a longing look in your eyes."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You like her, don't you?"

"What? Heck no. I have a girlfriend ."

" You have a girlfriend...why didn't I think of that?  Could it be 'cos I've not heard anything about her or the fact that you didn't update your relationship status for a year online? Hmm?

"...That's 'cos...Wait! Are you stalking me?"

"Now why would I do that?" She looked with an innocent face.
Argh! I decided to change the subject since I knew this conversation won't go anywhere.

I turned on the ignition and reversed the car discouraging any conversation between my sister and I. As I got out of the parking lot and driving towards Aunt Isabella's house, I couldn't help but think of the little girl I saved when I was young. She looked vulnerable and broken. The girl with brown eyes (a/n: pretty brown eyes  la la la)and long jet-black hair that were tied in pigtails. I had felt the need to protect her but as I see the girl who had grown up now she seemed not to need protecting and that did not sit well with me and that feeling is scaring the sh*t out of me. 

In all my relationships I've had, none have sparked the feelings she invoked in me. The electric charge she causes with just one glance when she looks at my direction through my window when she looks for the secret admirer. And I foolishly hoping she'd see me.

I dropped Chelsea home and drove towards the park, to try to forget about those pretty brown eyes.(hehe)



11 years ago.

I walked towards the group of kids at the entrance of the school building, hoping my little sister was there then I had heard someone was sobbing and the crowd was laughing.

" ...We still need to be entertained."

I  pushed himself toward the front, panicking thinking it was my sister but I  saw a girl with black hair being stepped on by the looks of it a rich snobby kid. I didn't know what happened next other than brown eyes that looked at me. Our gazes had locked. She has pretty eyes I thought. I  couldn't stop looking at them and saw that the rim of her irises turned pink and then she looked down, tears streaming down her face. I wanted to wipe her tears away but suddenly, the group of kids surrounding us started screaming and running and I  felt someone pull me towards the gate. When I  looked to see who it was, I saw my sister. I  tried to pull away but her grasp on my arm was strong and we entered the blue car that was parked in front of the gate. I  looked through the window but I  didn't see her and I felt devastated.

" Chad hurry up! We're going to be late for the plane."

I got out of his room feeling depressed. Who was that girl from yesterday? I  had asked Chelsea and she claimed that she didn't know her and even seen her until yesterday. Our nanny, Miss Buttley was waiting for me at the front porch. She looked annoyed but instead of scolding me, she took my suitcase and left for the car. I followed her silently as I  continued to brood. We were going to Florida to spend our holiday with our grandparents( from my dad's side). Mom and dad were in France doing business so they couldn't spend time with us.

One week had passed since we arrived in Florida. Chelsea and I were building sand castles at the beach while Miss Buttley was reading a magazine under the umbrella she had carried. We had swam then eaten ice cream. I felt a heck lot better and the girl's image was starting to fade from my mind.

When evening came by, we went back to their grandparents house. We saw police cars on the front lawn with the siren lights on. I felt my heart drop so I  rushed towards the door and saw his grandma being hugged by grandpa. Policemen and women were standing beside them, their hats removed.

"Grandpa? Grandma? What's wrong?" Chelsea asked as she held on to Miss Buttley's hand.

Grandma turned towards us, tears streaking her face. No, please, no. My heart thudded fast.

" I'm so...sorry dear..." She started sobbing and grandpa held her tightly. He himself had bloodshot eyes and he looked as if he aged suddenly.

" Chad...Chelsea. I'm sorry but your parents are dead."


I left the house and ran towards the beach, ignoring whoever was calling me back. Tears were streaking my face and I wiped my face fiercely. I kicked the sand at the shore. They are wrong. They are at work that's all  I told myself. I fell and cried as the feeling of loss crowded my feelings, not realizing I had fallen asleep and someone gently picking me up and carrying me back to the beach house.

Normal pov

At home Chelsea was quiet. She was told that her parents had died in a plane crash as they were trying to come to Florida for a surprise visit. She cried and cried. Chad was searched for and found at the beach and was brought home.

After the funeral occurred, the will was read. Aunt Isabella had full custody of both the children and they're trust funds. The grandparents were left sufficient funds. The investments and estates were left to Chad and Chelsea but until they reached 21 years, the chosen guardian would care for them for the meantime.

Aunt Isabella left the kids with their grandparents in Florida, making an agreement that when they reach high school it was their decision to be go live with her or stay . They were invited to come during the holidays.

Chad's POV

"I'm not going and that's final."

" Listen to me young ma...Hey!"

I slammed my bedroom door shut, locked and turned on the stereo, increasing the volume each moment I heard the door being locked. I landed on my bed and closed my eyes focusing my attention on the music being played. Trying to forget my problems for a while. At the age of sixteen and already caught trying to use drugs. I felt like a fool. My room was already searched and belongings packed to go to military school by my aunt. My grandparents died last year and Aunt Isabella took us in. Chelsea and I were taken to an elite school then. By that time I was into drugs which I started taking at fourteen years and I wasn't caught till now. I was expelled but my aunt somehow managed to pull some strings so that my records weren't soiled.

Damn. Damn. My life is f***ed. 

Flashback over

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