chapter 1~ bathtub

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You walk out of the dorm bedroom with a splitting headache to go get some water from the kitchen. When you get there you see jeongin already by the fridge.

"Innie, can you pass me water?"
He takes a bottle and throws it towards the counter where you are standing. Catching it mid-air with your right hand.

You reply, opening it up and practically chugging the whole thing straight away.

"Woah, slow down. You're gonna get the hick ups."

"Sorry, I know. I just have this really bad headache, and it won't go away."
At that moment, Chan walks into the room.

"You have a headache?!?"
He says, worried, touching my forehead to see if you perhaps have a fever. He puts his arm around your shoulder as you finish the water.

"I think you just need a warm, relaxing bath."

"Very much agreed."
You say, patting his back and leaving the kitchen to go to the bathroom. As you walk in, you put your towel on the counter next to the basin and turn on the water in the tub. You take off your shirt and joggers and throw them in the boys' laundry basket. You place both your hands on the edge of the basin lean forward, looking at yourself in the mirror with just your undergarments. Just as you were about to start critiquing how your body looks, Seungmin walks in, holding a bottle of bath bubbles. He isn't really fazed at the fact you only have your pants and bra on as during the summer when it's hot, pretty much every one walks around with just boxers.

"Heyy, chan hyung told me you weren't feeling so well, so I brought you some bubbles. This one smells really nice, just like lavender."
He places the bottle on the counter.

"Thank you so much, minnie."
You thank him and give him a side hug. He smiles and leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You sigh, rubbing your temples and pouring some solution into the bathtub. Getting in after taking off the rest of your clothes eventhough the tub is only half full only because you liked the sound of the running water; soon enough the surface was covered in lavender scented foam you turn off the faucet with your foot and lay your head back. The past weeks have been stressful as we were preparing for a comeback, and it felt like you were constantly in the practice room. For some reason, you weren't as strong at dance as the other boys, but your vocals were definitely your strong point, leaving you a spot in vocalracha. Openning your eyes, you sigh again 
and take a deep breath in, the smell of flowers tingling your nose. Just as you're about to close them again, you hear the door open slightly, and Felix slips in with his towel.

"Hey, lixxie. What are you doing here?"

"Would it be OK if I join you?" He asks, gently pointing at the other end of the tub.

You say, smiling at him.

"I don't see why not."
He slips off his jumper and shorts and gets in with his boxers. We had never seen eachother completely naked except for that one time when Hyunjin accidentally walked in on you changing and although he only saw your bare back, boy was traumatised and said you were trying to burn his eyes for the next week; after that you always remebered to lock the bedroom door. You would say you're the most close to felix and seungmin as we both joined JYPE at the same time and used to sleep in the same dorm block and eat together in the canteen. Smiling, thinking back to our hard trainee days, we have worked so hard to become who we are today.

"Do you ever regret joining?"
Felix looks up at you.


"I mean, JYPE, do you ever regret becoming an idol?"
He thinks for a few moments before replying.

"Maybe, but you and seungmin made the training easier for me. I remember when I first got eliminated, and the three of us walked back together to the dorms holding hands sobbing. Looking back now, we were just kids and being a bit dramatic, but I still will never forget what J Y Park did to me and Minho."
I nod my head and give him a half smile.

"Yea, those were some dark times for us."
You stretch my arms up, feeling tired and yawning, revealing half my naked chest from beneath the water, and Felix instantly moves his head to the side and closes his eyes, trying not to look You notice and put your hands down straight away.

"Omg, sorry, I forgot I was naked."
He turns back round.

"Don't worry about it."
I uncross my legs in the bath and lift my foot up next to his face to refill some of the water that slpashed out by turning on the tap. But because his head was right next to the faucet, he thought you were trying to kick him in the face, and he grabbed your foot and pulled it under water, taking you with it. You slip from where you were sitting, and your head goes under the bubbles for a second. You eventually come back up,hair soaked, shocked face and foam on your head; Felix, on the other end, was laughing so hard trying to cover his mouth with his hands.

He ducks as you splash some water on him. You scoff and roll your eyes, sitting back. He uncurls himself, still chuckling.

"I'm so sorry."
He starts to calm down to a small chuckle.

"I thought you were going to kick me in the face."

"Bro, I was just trying to turn on the water it was getting cold." He looks in my eyes and starts laughing again. He gets closer and wipes some lavender bubbles of my face.

"Let me get that you look like santa Clause, lol."
As he uses his thumb to rub it off my chin, your stomach suddenly flips at the contact, which doesn't really happen because you're used to all the boys flirting and constantly wanting my attention. When he sees that you are looking straight into his eyes, he moves his fingers down gently so that he is holding your jaw line and lips with his finger and moves closer and closer until your faces are inches apart.

"Can I?"
He whispers, and you I already know what he is talking about and nod. The next second, you are met with his warm lips. He pulls away after 10 seconds as he doesn't want it to go too far, but now you just feel like you need him to kiss you again. You bite my bottom lip and look up to meet his eyes, which are already looking at yours.

"That was hot."
He chuckles

"Yea, it was."

We just sit there staring at each other for a few more minutes when he says.

"Welp, I should probably get out and leave you be. Just dont drown like you almost did."
You flick some water at him as he gets out of the tub.

"That was your fucking fault dickhead." You say laughing. He pecks my forehead and wraps his towel around his waist, winks at me and leaves as quietly as he arrived. You zone out thinking about what just happend. I just kissed one of my best friends...

You look at your phone which on the floor and see that you had been in there for almost 2 hours so. Draining the water, rinse of and wrap the towel around you and your hair and leave to go to your bedroom. On the way, you pass the living room to see chan sitting on the sofa watching something on the telly. You smirk to yourself and walk up to him and whisper in his ear.

"The bath helped so much."
And pecked his cheek. He shots up to look at you, but you were already walking away. He touches the area you just kissed and smiles to himself. After drying your hair and do your skincare, you throw on an oversized shirt and flop onto your bed, overwhelmed by today. You hear a knock on the door and say,

"Come in."
To see Minho standing in the doorway topless with just pyjama trousers. You already know what he is here for, and  open your arms, and he falls on the bed next to you. He lays his head on your chest and drapes an arm over your other shoulder, and you fall asleep almost instantly hardly needing to dwell on the negative things that had happened today as the hot bath had eased your mindset.

A/N ~ I promise this story gets soo much better especially in the way that its written lol

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