chapter 22 ~ something suspicious

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The silence is deafening as everyone sits in the living room waiting for Hyunjin's long-awaited arrival. None of us had seen him for just about over a week, but the 27th ended up coming round quite swiftly. The door finally clicks open, and everybody stands up, facing the door. Bang Chan walks over properly, opening the front door to reveal a tired looking Hyunjin. He immediately tears up, seeing the familiar face as he drops his duffle bag, and throws his arms around Chan. One by one, we all walk over to them until we are all hugging him. He finally lifts his head, and we all break away.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I let you down."
He hangs his head low, and Changbin puts an arm on his shoulder.

"As long as you are fine, so are we."
Hyunjin shakes his head in disagreement.

"But I'm not fine, that's the thing."
Chan bites the inside of his cheek.

"How about we all sit down in the living room."
He nods, and everyone settles down, getting comfortable. Hyunjin takes a deep breath before starting.

"When I was about 15, before I joined the company, I had a big surgery on my lungs, and after it, I was prescribed patches, but they were too weak. So, after a few months, when the pain wouldn't go away, the doctors told me to use the quarter of a bottle when the pain was too high. Eventually, it worked, and I no longer needed it. However, the hospital always told me to keep a few in case the pain came back. During the holiday, when I went back home I found the bag. I remembered how good it felt to be on the drug, but it had always been in moderation. I was so down in the dumps that day from all the stress that I experimented with half a bottle and for once I As if I wasn't myself and u didn't need to worry about what Hyunjin needed to worry about. I was so depressed inside it that it felt like my heart was hollowed out."

He burstes into tears, Felix puts an arm around his shoulder and reassures him. Through sobs, he mutteres out.

"So I did a bit every week until I did the whole thing, thinking I could put an end to this all - but you guys saved me, and in a way, I'm thankful. In the hospital, I realised how lucky I am to have all of you."
At this point, everyone is in tears, sniffing and passing around tissues. Seungmin coughs out.

"Hyunjin, how could you suffer in silence like that."
He shrugs his shoulders slightly and lowers his head.

"I didn't want to be anymore of a burden on everybody, especially after what happened with Y/N."
You shake your head.

"Hyunjin, your emotions are just as valid as everyone else's. That's why we are together and we all love you so much."
He bursts into tears again.

"But I don't deserve that love."
Chan pulls him into a loving hug and rubs circles on his back. After a few seconds, he pulls back.

"Let's go talk in my room, Felix. Do you mind coming with us?"
Felix immediately stands up and follows them to Chans room, arm around Hyunjins shoulder. Once the door shuts behind them, Han starts.

"He's going to Rehab, isn't he."
Changbin turns around to him.

"Don't say that, Chan hyung said that he has that test in two days."

"Has the company released any statements about this yet?"
You say, thinking out loud. Changbin shrugs his shoulders and checks his phone, Han leaning over his shoulder watching the screen intently until his eyes widen and he sits back slightly in shock as Changbin with his full attention reads something with a worried expression.

"What happened?"

Seungmin asks, jisung replies as Changbin is too immersed in the phone with a horrified face.

9th member of Stray Kids // y/nWhere stories live. Discover now