chapter 9~ comforting words

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"Chans right you know"
Changbin turns around from facing the sink.

"Well...I feel so much better, knowing Soobin is okay, it definitely took some weight off my shoulders."
But you started to feel a bit nauseous so you took your seat next to han again trying to ignore it. Felix looks up at the clock on the wall.

"I think we should start getting ready for bed, it's already half past 12."
Everyone agrees and they filter out into their rooms to wash up. As you walk out of the kitchen Chan grabs your arm. You turn around to face him.

"I was wondering could I maybe sleep with you tonight?"
You chuckle and nod at his shyness.

"Great ill go dress up."
He practically runs to his room and you resume the short walk to yours. As you do you feel a bit dizzy and the nausea hadn't disappeared. As you get inside you quickly slide down on the edge of the bed feeling lightheaded but tried to shake it off. I hear a knock on the door and know its Bang Chan.

"Come in"
He opens the door and he comes in with a shirt and loose grey shorts.

"You feeling alright? You look quite pale."

"Yea I'm fine just a bit nauseous, probably ate too fast."
He nods going to get under the covers.

"OK just tell me when it gets worse. I can bring you some water and medicine k?"
You nod back going to join him. You lay next him and snuggle into his chest and puts his arm around you and pulls you closer. Falling asleep wasn't tricky but you woke up suddenly with your stomach ache getting really bad and you get a familiar sour pang in your mouth and get up instantly to tun to the bathroom you don't even have time to turn on the light switch and go straight for the toilet and start throwing up. Once your done you sit back on the stone floor leaning your back on the cold tiled wall, which felt good and flush the toilet. But you were still feeling too nauseous to go back to bed. You close your eyes trying to take your mind of the pain and think about why your life turned around so quickly. You put your cold hand on your hot forehead trying to feel better. You feel like throwing up again and as soon as you shift to go to the toilet bowl Bang Chan comes rushing in and turns on the light switch but you have no energy to look up and start throwing up again he kneels down behind you and holds up your hair out of your face rubbing circles on you back. When you feel like you have thrown up your guts you reach your hand to flush the toilet and slip back into him with 0 energy and he catches you in his arms.

"y/n I told you to tell me if you feel worse."
You can't seem to verbalise words anymore and just start crying. Your head is on his chest and you can hear his heart racing, you manage to wrap you arms loosely around his waist and he holds you in his arms stroking your hair. He moves his hand to wipe some tears falling down your cheeks.

"Come on I need to wash you up."
He scoops you up gently and places you on the counter wiping away the remaining tears. Whilst keeping one hand on your  thigh he turns on the basin and fills a near by cup with some water and tells you to rinse you mouth. After 3 times of doing it he gets a small hand towel folded up and wipes away any water or saliva left on my face. Reaching in the cupboard behind you he pulls out a small bottle of pills, but you can't open your eyes wide enough to see what it is. Chan brings the pill to your lips but after sensing your uncertainty from not opening your mouth he whispers.

"Don't worry its just paracetamol, you're boring up and you just threw up."                                        You swallow the pill and he stands inbetween your legs and you wrap them around his waist and he lifts you up again.

"Let's go to bed."
You try to not fall asleep on him but can't help resting your head on his shoulder. He gently places you in the bed and gets in next you covering your body in the sheets. You just about manege to lift your head and place it on his chest and bring you leg up over him and he wraps his arms around you tightly rubbing circles on you back and you snuggle in closer to him half drifting off to sleep...

A/N ~ sorry this one was short lol kinda a filler chapter, got a long one coming up ♡♡♡♡🎀💖

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