chapter 12~ familiar face

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Kimchi mushroom pancakes sizzle on the pan, your mother flips them every once in a while so they don't burn. The smell of batter and fried onions linger in the kitchen. Natural light filters through the big windows from the living room. Your father watches the morning weather news on the TV and a radio on top of the fridge pays homage to Hwang Chi Hoon, your mother sways to the music as she flips another pancake.

You stare at the plate infront of you on the table. Pancakes and uneaten Banchan's stare back up at you. You physically eat anything without feeling sick. Every bite brings your back to the night you and Soobin were eating Ramyeon at his dorm. If only you had just ordered at the show we could have eaten in the waiting room together and none of this would have happened but its too late for buts and what ifs going out with a friend had ruined the reputation of your group who is supposed to be having a comeback next week without you. How wonderful.

" Y/N you can't just sit there and eat nothing, you are getting so skinny."

"Mother I promise I'm just not hungry."
She pulls a chair out next to you and sits down.

"I think you are hungry but don't notice that feeling because in your mind there are more important feelings like guilt and homesickness."

"How can I be homesick, I'm home."
She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head down.

"Its not a place it people. I'm not saying you are missing Seoul, its the people in Seoul."

You sigh nodding in agreement, you longed to be with them but knew it was out of the question. You just still couldn't believe that they had really sent you all the way back to Jeju. There was no way the company were going to let you work on a solo album from all the way from over here.

"Mum I get it, but there is nothing I can do about this, as much as you say it wasn't my fault, it is, I shouldn't have gone out with Soobin with no staff. I'm okay with staying here until they work something out but its the way I have affected the whole group not just me that hurts me. And not to forget Stays too."
She gets up from the chair sighing heavily. 

"Eat then go do something, take a walk or clean the chicken pens. I hate leaving you alone when I have to go to work"

"Mum I'm a grown woman, what could possibly happen to me?"

You prod the pancake with the fork in your hand and listen to how your parents leave the house after saying goodbye.

You lean on the porch rail, staring at the sea and how the waves crash against each other like dogs fighting. You had lit another cigarette to clear your mind. It had been something you had caught yourself doing too often these days; watching the ocean and smoking for hours when both parents were at work, sometimes creating lyrics in your head incase you would have a solo in hopes you could save enough to put them into retirement. For the first time since come home the clouds had slightly cleared letting some sunshine through. A black taxi rolls in through the dirt path from the woods, breaking the peaceful trail thought in your mind and parks next to your parents car. You furrow your eyebrows, are we supposed to be expecting somebody? The glass on the windshield is too tinted to see who is inside. You straighten up, one hand still holding the rail and you put out the cigarette on the ashtray on the table nearby with the other. Nobody seems to be getting out the car so you let your hand go and walk to the steps leading up to the deck, wood planks creaking under feet until you get to the stairs. The headlights on the car turn off, a wave of uncertainty floats above you. 

"Hello, can I help you ?"

Whoever was in the car didn't hear me or seem to be getting out anytime soon. your hand moves the the phone in the back pocket to phone your father, perhaps it was one of his friends who needed to pick up some eggs. But as soon as you did so the car seemed to rock slightly and somebody gets out on the other side and you can just about only see they have black hair. The figure walks up behind the car and opens the trunk. 

"Yah, this is private property just so you know."
You screw your courage to the sticking place and make your way down the porch and towards the car and round the back.

"Excuse me you can't ju..."
you are met with a very familiar face that fills the void in your brain that had been empty ever since you had left for Jeju.

"Y/N, oh my goodness how have you been." 
Your jaw drops to the ground. As you are met with a warm embrace.

"Wha..what are you doing here?"

9th member of Stray Kids // y/nWhere stories live. Discover now