Chapter 4~ shower

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As we get off the motorway and onto the main city streets he has to roll the windows back up so no one recognises us and soon enough we are approaching the hospital. As we enter the parking lot we see a bunch of news reporters and paparazzi by the entrance.

"Omg seriously, how does everyone know?
Just drop me off here you coming will just raise even more unwanted attention. And thank you soooo much for tonight. I owe you one." I quickly open the door and run out trying to cover my face with my phone but as I try get in the paparazzi immediately recognise me and start swarming around me asking questions that I don't even know the answer to. I start to feel overwhelmed tears falling down my face and my hands are shaking. I try to push my way through but it's no use. Someone grabs my arm and I look up to see one of our bodyguards, he pulls me out of the crowd and I almost stumble over but he catches me in time as we get through the doors where the reporters are not allowed.

"Are you OK do you need medical attention?"

"No no I'm fine I just need to get ti the other kids do you know where they are?"

"8th floor emergency ward on the left down the corridor. Would you like me to escort you?"

"Thank you its ok I can go my self."
You run up to reception and ask were the lift is the receptionist points to the right and smiles and I just sprint in that direction. I get to the lift and press the button desperately and when the doors finally open you get in pressing 8 and close doors repeatedly until they finally close as I'm going up I look at my phone to see a notification from Soobin.

"Heyy, did you get in? I saw the papp. Hope everyone's OK xoxo."
You smile as the lift chimes and the doors finally open and you run down to the left to see a big waiting room and surely enough the emergency ward. I look around the chairs to see the members all in the corner, I walk up to them and I burst put crying again. Chan sees me and pulls me into his big hug, it's so comforting and I feel better. I put my arms around his neck and mutter whilst sniffling.

"Is he OK?"
Chan takes his hand and places it on the back of my head and starts stroking my hair.

"The nurse just came and told us he has woken up. We will be able to visit him in an hour."
After hearing his comforting words I straight away loosen up but I don't think I can let go of his embrace because I will start crying again.

"Do you wanna sit down it will be more comftable for you?"
You nod and he lifts you up on his lap after he sits down and you keep your arms around him and snuggle into the crook of his neck. You fall asleep in his arms until the nurse comes and hour later and tells everyone that we can go meet changbin. Chan lightly taps your shoulder and you jolt wake, see the nurse and your and your heart starts to pump fast. Chan notices and reassures me.

"It's OK he just woke up. We can go meet him." You relax and get up from his lap and the nurse escorts you into the ward. Lee know catches up to you and puts his hand over your shoulder and kisses your head.

"It'll be OK don't worry "
You look up to him and smile. The nurse stops and slides open the door to a room and surely enough Changbin is laying down on the bed with an IV through his arm and a heart beat monitor on his finger. His older sister and mother are sitting on chairs next to him. When we come in they stand up and his sister says warmly

"I imagine all of you have been super stressed about my brother ill leave you guys together for a while she helps her mother and Chan immediately jogs up to them to help her and they walk out the room the rest of us smile and bow as they walk past us. We crowd around Changbins bed and I cant help but tear up again.

"I thought you fucking died." Gently hitting his shoulder. You sniff as he smiles

"Changbin never dies." He chuckles
Lee know smiles.

"Hey that's my line."
Felix sits on the bed next to him.

"But seriously what happend? All we know was that you collapsed at the gym."

"Yea I forgot my protein shake at home so I brought one in the cafe and when tried it, it tasted a bit weird so I thought it was some different type of protein. After half an hour my knees went numb and my throat started to close up and it went dark. Then I woke up next to my sister and very distressed mother."

"You don't think the drink was poisoned?"

"Nah that can be possible."

"Bro that's got to be an allergic reaction."

"Maybe you have asthma."

"He probably overworked himself."

"No way it got to b-."

"GUYS please."
We all turn to look at him forget that he had even been in the room.

"The nurse will be back soon we will find out, until then we just need to wait."
We nod and agree. Hyunjin sighs and leans his hands on the railing infront of Changbins feet.

"But on a serious note if it was that batista we may need to go on hiatus to ensure the safety of all of us. We can just never know these days."
Jeongin pats his back.

"I know you can't go through another hiatus but if it is what it is then we will work through it together. Minho himself starts to tear up himself still on my shoulder I lean head onto him and rub his back in circles because I know that it comforts him when he is feeling down. Soon enough visiting hours are over and we are ushered out by the doctor who came to discuss the results of the tests with him. All of us walk down the corridor of the hospital. Lee know had his fingers intertwined with mine holding it tightly as if he were to let go I would slip away. I could feel his tense breathing and whisper in his ear.

"Wanna cuddle with me tonight we can talk about it if you want."
He nods his head. When we get home he is still holding my hand, we walk into my bed room and I really need to change. I look down at his hand and then to his face.

"Minnie you need to let go I need to wash up and dress up."
He looks down at the floor.

"If I let go I might start crying and right now I dont want to."
You sigh hating to see him like this. He was always introverted but rarely had you seen him at his lowest.

"Would you like to wash up together?"

He mumbles in a small voice you get two towles and lead him to the bathroom. As soon as you lock the door behind you he slowly let's go of your hand. You softly smile at him and then take off your tank top. We both start undressinging until we are left in our underwear and I slowly unclasp my bra but he still keeps eye contact with me I slip it off my arms and he goes behind me to turn on the shower. He turns around and we take our pants off at the same time leave them on the floor and he takes your hand again and step into the shower together. The warm water feels to good running down my body that I close my eyes. I open them to check on him to see that he is zoned out looking into empty space I put my hand on his face and turn it to face mine. He stares into my eyes and we both instinctly move closer until our foreheads are touching and he places a hand on my waist to bring me closer to him. I close my eyes and lean forward touching lips with him we stay like that for a minute or so before he swipes his tongue on my bottom lip for entrance and I accept by parting my lips slightly and in a few seconds the kiss turns slow but intense. Eventhough we are under the shower I can feel tears running down his cheeks mixing with the water. After 2 minutes I pull out gasping for air leaning my forehead on his again and he just looks ethereal with his wet hair in his face. I move my hand from his cheek and trace my finger down his neck, chest along his well built abdomen and gently drag my finger along his scar I always thought it was mega hot but everyone knows he was alway super insecure about it and always specifically asked for stage clothes that hid it. He lets go of my hand puts it on the other side of my hip and pulls me closer eliminating any space between us. I atmosphere feels warm and intimate just perfect. You lift your arms wrapping them around him and rest your head on his chest and it feels like pure bliss. I trace circles on his back and let him relax into my arms and he rests his chin on the top of my head. After 10 minutes I turn off the shower and we get out, brush our teeth and dress up. We get up into my bed and he spoons me as I'm falling asleep he whispers in my ear.

"You have nice tits btw" You kick him with your foot with the last amount of energy you have and chuckle before falling asleep in his embrace. Maybe I should give him a chance, what's the worst that could go wrong?

9th member of Stray Kids // y/nWhere stories live. Discover now