chapter 13 ~ proper jeju ahjussi

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"Wha..what are you doing here ?"
Chan hugs you even tighter.

"Never leave me alone like that again, oh     Y/N we misses you soo much you have no idea."
You are quick to wrap your arms around him to melting into the hug. Something you had dreamt of doing for ages, even though you had only been gone for 2 weeks. He pulls away hands on both of your shoulders and looks staring into your eyes.

"Stray Kids is 9 not 8 and will always be 9, I've spoken to your mother and she said she will let us stay here in Jeju while we protest."
you furrow your eyebrows and look at him confused.

"Chan, what are you protesting?"

" We are protesting not being able to comeback as 8, it was Hyunjins idea."

Your eyes widen.

"What the fuck, why are we protesting?"

"Because Stray Kids is 9."
Tears start to prickle in your eyes, and you hug him again.

"Awwww channnnn. But what if they kick us out of the company, what about the comeback, what about stays? Did you even think about this?"

"You have to trust us with this, skzji found our original contracts and we spent a whole Sunday reading through them. There is nothing about not actually participating in a comeback, the worst they can do to us is kick us out but that's impossible because in another contract it says leaving the group can only happen because of an emergency or at least 2 moths before the terminal 7 year contract expires."

"Are you sure JYP won't class this an emergency?"
He shakes his head and goes back to the boot to take out his luggage.

"It's kinda cold let's go inside."
You agree leading him up the path and into the house. Both of you are sitting on the sofa  with mugs of tea.

"So how was the journey here?"

"Yea not so bad, there was a bit of turbulence but yea overall good."

"Where are the others?"

"They're coming tomorrow."
You nod your head and take a sip looking out of the window into the sea. All of a sudden you stand up.

"I'm hungry let's go grap a bite somewhere."

For the whole car journey Chan looks outside at the palm trees and the desolate beaches with white sand.

"Do locals swim here in the summer?"
Confused you take your eyes of the road for a second to see he is pointing at the dark blue waters.

"No not really, on the way back I can show you a place near the house."
He nods and you take the right junction out of a roundabout allowing you to drive on a road beside the sea and stop within a couple hundred yards at a large cafe with a tent extension filled with tables and chairs. Getting out the car you say

"No this is the place with the best mulhoe. The owner catches the fish fresh from the sea each morning."

"Looks so good I wasn't even that hungry but now I am."

You had sat down and ordered two portions and some Soju.

"So did Lee Know and Hyunjin learn how to use the washing machine?"

"Haha no, everyone was so busy that Felix volunteered to take the the clothes to the dry cleaners every day."
You Bury your face on your hands in dissapointment but can't help but laugh.

"You boys never fail to amaze me, you could have looked it up online, Felix out of everyone should know how to use the Internet the best."
Chan chuckles violently.

9th member of Stray Kids // y/nWhere stories live. Discover now