twenty one - michael

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Michael and Felicity didn't sleep together that night. They didn't sleep at all that night. Instead, the two of them stayed up talking all night about everything and anything, familiarising themselves with each other- not that they needed to be familiarised at all. Michael knew in his heart (though he would never admit it outside because he was a dude and he wasn't sappy like that) that they would find their way back to each other.

So what if Felicity had cheated? Yeah sure, it was a big deal at the time but they had been through so much, too fucking much, since then for him to hold something like that over her. He loved her, he fucking loved her- and there was no way he was letting that feeling leave him ever again.

"Mikey?" Felicity mumbled sometime after 5am, at this stage she was lying on the floor looking up at the glow in the dark stars that Michael had stuck to his ceiling while Michael took to finishing off their Sims house. "Lie down with me."

The boy spun around on his chair and took a moment to take in the girl lying before him. God, she was incredible. He would stare at her all day, but he was aware that he was living in a romantic teen movie. He stood up, to stretch out his limbs that had been in the same position for over an hour before he took his place beside her.

Felicity smiled as he took her hand in his automatically, it was almost like a reflex.

"What are we?" Michael asked after a few minutes of completely silence.

"What do you want us to be?" Felicity responded, knowing immediately what he was implying with his question.

"Well, I mean, I don't, I-"

"Michael." Felicity giggled a tiny bit at how he stuttered trying to get his feelings out, he was definitely adorable there was no denying that.

"I love you. Like a lot." Michael spoke, rushing his words as though this was the only moment in time he would get to say them.

"I guess you're alright too." The girl replied, with a small smirk.

"Fuck you." The red-haired guitarist huffed, rolling away from her- mostly so she wouldn't see the dumb smile plastered across his face.

"I love you, Michael Clifford. I love you to the moon." She whispered, leaning over and tracing the script of the tattoo on his upper left arm.

"And back." He replied, cupping her cheeks with his hands and kissing her like he'd never kissed her before.

With the events of the last few months, their feelings for one another had completely changed but in a perfect way.


The next morning (or midafternoon whatever you count 4pm as), Felicity woke to seven text messages from her bandmates. The first say they had news they wanted to share with her and the rest saying to "wake the fuck up and check her fucking phone".

Both Michael and Felicity only woke up when Luke came burst through the bedroom door to tell Michael, he had his own news to share with him.

So Felicity threw on her ripped jeans and one of Michael's black hoodies and kissed her boyfriend goodbye before leaving the 5SOS house to go back to her own house and her own bandmates.

Michael headed straight to the kitchen as soon as Felicity left and grabbed a bag of Doritos from the cupboard, he needed some type of food in him before he could pay attention to whatever news Luke had to share with him.

"If you're going to tell me that you've got a girlfriend, I'd advise you to keep that secret for a while because I went through some shit to get the fans to accept Felicity, man." Michael spoke before Luke got the chance to open his mouth.

"I don't have a girlfriend." Luke responded, shifting his weight awkwardly as the topic of relationships came up. "That's not even close to what I had to tell you."

"What is it?" Michael asked, throwing himself down on the couch. "Oh my god, Green Day didn't break up did they? Don't you fucking dare say Green Day broke up."

"Relax dude, they didn't break up." Luke laughed at Michael's worry. "We got a call from our manager this morning and we're going on tour again."

"Rad. When does it start?" Michael asked, figuring he'd have at least a month because tours never usually started with a short notice, but I'm guessing you know where I'm going with this.

"Next week." Luke sighed, even though the four boys loved touring and seeing the world, a week's notice just wasn't enough. It didn't give them much time to sort out a perfect setlist and Michael only just got things back on track with Felicity and we all know what happened last time they were separated.

Something was going to go wrong again, I mean, it's a given at this stage isn't it? Michael and Felicity have had every single bad thing happen to their relationship that could have happened in the short while they've known each other so, there was no telling what this tour was going to throw at them.


i suck. so much. i am the worst. i am so fucking sorry. to zara and to the readers. i can't believe i waited this long to get my shit together and update.

basically i've been swamped with exams and stress from school and the exams. i went through a really rough year and psyched myself out but now it's all over and i can finally finally get back to writing again.

so zara, i'm so sorry for flaking out on you and taking forever to answer messages. it was shitty of me and i hate that i left you hanging like that. i hope you can forgive me and we can get our stories and friendship back on track.

and to the readers, i hope you haven't abandoned this story because i'm a shitty updater.

also i'm really sorry this update is so short i'm just trying to get back into things


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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