nine - michael

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If asked to pick one thing he admired most about Felicity, Michael decided that he would have to say her ability to make any awkward situation slightly less awkward. He would never admit that to anyone, especially now that she was his ex-girlfriend, but he definitely admired that quality in here. That quality was the reason he didn't ask Felicity to leave after she dropped his stuff over, that and the fact that he didn't want to be rude.

When he thought back to how closed off she was when they first met, not just to him but to all of them, Michael found it difficult to believe this girl was the same girl. She was so open and so relaxed around the four of them, even Michael. Especially Michael.

Michael, on the other hand, was possibly the most awkward human alive. He tried not to say too much while she was there because he knew he'd say too much or something wrong and everything would just turn, well, awkward.

She stayed for a few hours, none of them noticed that it had been as long as it had because the hours went by with the sound of laughter. Michael thought about excusing himself and going to his room a bunch of times but every time he did, Felicity would say something that caused the entire group to laugh and he just wanted to stay to see the smile on her face when they did.

In those few hours, he forgot what she did and why he broke up with her. Every now and then, he would look at her and think about how effortlessly gorgeous she was and how much he wanted to kiss her. At one point he almost let himself lean over and kiss her, stopping himself before he did. When Felicity said that she was getting cold, he wanted to tear his flannel off and offer it to her but didn't. Instead Calum ran inside and got her a jacket.

There was plenty of things he wanted to do in those hours but couldn't, none more so than go through that box and see what she had returned.

"I'm doing more vocal work on our album," Felicity told the four boys after they told her about how excited they were for their album to drop. Michael cocked his head up to look at her while talked, telling them about how excited she was to do some proper vocals, but he didn't need to hear the words because he could tell by the light in eyes how excited she was.

"That's awesome, Fe!" Luke exclaimed, smiling over at the green haired girl who smiled just as brightly back.

Michael just smiled lightly, barely enough for anyone to notice. He wasn't really sure how he was supposed to act right now, she was after all the ex-girlfriend who cheated on him but at that moment she was Felicity, the girl he had the biggest crush on.

Felicity left after it got dark and Calum offered to walk her home, so he could be sure she was safe, but she declined, ("I like to walk alone in the dark, it's peaceful." "No, Calum, I'm not going to be attacked." "If you don't shut the fuck up I'm going to attack you, Cal." "Ashton, come get your bassist so I can leave!" "I'll text you when I get home so you know I'm okay." "Bye, Michael.")

"Bye, Felicity." He replied with far too much eagerness in his voice though she didn't hear because the door close as he spoke, his voice was drown in the click of the hinges.

The purple haired guitarist didn't speak another word, he just walked up stairs and locked himself in his bedroom. For a few minutes he just stood there, staring at the box in front of him. He wanted to look in it and see what she had taken from him, see what she had returned to him but at the same time he didn't want to because it was just another reminder that the relationship he had with her was over.

On top of the pile in the box was his leather vest, he picked it up and put it straight back down. It didn't feel like it was his, or rather he didn't want it to be his. He wanted it to be her's and for her to wear it while he complained about her stealing his stuff. It smelled like her, which only made this whole thing that much worse.

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