two - felicity

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It took a few days for some sense to come to Felicity and that only happened when Matt snapped at her.

They were in the kitchen; Felicity baking a new batch of cinnamon cookies as Isaac had stolen the last batch to take to his parents, Matt sat on the counter watching her as they discussed the topic of Michael after avoiding it harder than the plague since the morning after she cheated on him.

"I know you're his friend, Matty and I get you want me to act like nothing happened but-"

"Nothing did fucking happen, Felicity!" Matt yelled making Felicity flinch and look up at him with wide eyes, not used to hearing him shout.

"You raised your voice at me." She muttered, pushing her pastel green hair out of her view.

She had only dyed it a few days previous because she was mad at Michael and knew he really liked her lilac hair and said she should keep it. She was also tempted to get a few piercings and tattoos but decided that it was a stupid idea and she wouldn't be able to handle the needles.

"I know and I'm sorry but you're not listening." He sighed sliding off of the counter to walk over to her, holding her hands in his like he often did when he wanted to have a serious conversation with her, knowing it was how to keep her attention. "He never slept with that girl she's one of their stylists and they were all there, the rest of the guys were just out of shot. Michael would never cheat on you, you mean too fucking much to him and I kind of feel like a dick for saying this but clearly, that's not exactly reciprocated."

"I care about him, a lot, Matty, you know I do." She begged, trying to persuade her band mate that she wasn't lying. "I was just angry and you know I shouldn't drink when I'm mad, I do stupid things and I know that's no excuse but don't have another one. I'm a fucking idiot."

"Yeah, you are and now you're going to tell me you fucked up."

"He's going to hate me."

"Yeah but we both know it won't last."

"A day of hatred from Michael is too much." Felicity clarified but cleaned off her hands and started to get ready to leave all the same.

As scared as she was to tell her boyfriend exactly what she had done, she knew it was the right thing and he deserved to know.


Luke was the one to let the girl into the 5sos London home and it was the most awkward moment the pair had shared together.

"Michael's in his room." Calum stated as he walked past the two.

"I'll show you." He motioned for Felicity to follow which she did quickly, grateful Calum was around at that moment. "He told me you think he cheated."

"I was being stupid." She replied, wringing her hands nervously the closer they got to Michael's room.

She knew it was his due to the sad songs he was blasting from behind the closed door.

On her way to the house, she had seen he had Tweeted he was going to spend all day listening to sad songs and playing old video games.

"What did you do?" Calum asked, frowning at the guilt shining bright in his best friend's eyes. "Felix, what did you do?"

"I fucked up."


"I think it's best I tell Michael first, don't you?"

Calum only nodded and crossed the hall to open the door to his own bedroom, leaning against the door frame to watch as Felicity cautiously opened the door opposite.

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