eighteen - felicity

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In Felicity's mind, it seemed as if she was in hospital for days, as if the minutes that ticked by were long relentless hours and she would never see the sky again. It's a hospital patient cliche and Felicity isn't fond of cliches but this was one she couldn't change.

She was fed up of nurses wandering in to her room and checking her constantly, she was fed up of her band bringing her food only for her appetite to still be MIA and the boys wind up eating all her favourite meals she just couldn't seem to stomach. She was fed up in general.

For two days straight she laid on her right side, curled up, right hand under her head, eyes staring out the window, trying to imagine how she could recover from all that had happened but still, she came up blank.

Even on the third morning, as nurses tried to persuade the girl to eat, tried to persuade her to talk to someone, she paid no mind to anything but that same window.

"You can go in but she's not very responsive." Matt stated to Calum as the pair stood in the doorway, Ashton and Luke nearby but the pair figured it was best if Calum went in alone first off.

"She's upset, Matt, I don't blame her."

"Neither do I but," Matt took a shaky breath and crossed his arms over his chest tight. "This is how things were, back, back when she tried to-"



"I'm sure she's not going to try-that again."

"Up until she decided to get completely wasted and didn't even try to pick herself up after the fall, I thought so too. I think she's given up."

"No, not my Felix."

"Are you coming, Matt?" Maria asked softly from slightly down the hall. "We can only be so late."

"Right." Matt patted Calum on the shoulder before turning and walking off so he and Maria wouldn't be late for their meeting.

Calum slowly walked into the room, a frown on his lips as he watched a nurse try to make Felicity move but she resisted.

"Come on love, you can't do this forever." The nurse spoke, her voice was sweet but it was clear she was losing her patience and no-one could blame her, she was solely in charge of Felicity's care and being in charge of a girl as stubborn as Felicity was never fun.

Silently, slowly, Calum walked around the bed and perched on the edge, near Felicity's feet.

"Hey, Felix." He spoke, his voice quiet, cautious. Felicity only glanced at the bassist before looking back at the window but it was more of a response than she gave anyone else.

"Clearly, she won't listen to me so, I'll give you some peace." The nurse spoke and Calum nodded in thanks before she left them in peace.

"Why did you do this? You're not this stupid."

"Apparently, I am." Felicty spoke, her voice breaking at the start due to not using it for a handful of days.

"You were upset, you didn't need to get drunk, you should've called me."

"I would've ruined us, Calum."

"No, you wouldn't."

"I was so upset and even though I know it wasn't you who said anything, you would've been the one to get an earful of shit. Things turned out better this way."

"How is this better?" Felicity simply shrugged. "You're in the fucking hospital, Felicity!"

The bassist with the faded, dry, green hair pulled her knees closer to her chest but did nothing more, not until half an hour later when there was a knock on the door and Luke popped his head in.

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