eight - felicity

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I'm done.

Those two words rolled around in her head for days, like a song you didn't know the name of but it wouldn't leave your head. But it wasn't a title-less song.

It was a break up. An official we're over.

At first it felt like a bad dream, not quite a nightmare but something that still left a bitter taste on the tip of her tongue when she spoke his name. At first she didn't believe it. She refused to believe it. She was deep in denial and it took almost a whole week for Calum to finally reach her down in the pit and pull her out.

"I'm surprised you haven't thrown that out yet." He stated looking down at Felicity as they walked side by side through the streets, on their way to lunch. He flicked the collar of Michael's leather vest with his finger as if to point out what he meant. "He broke up with you."

And even though she had heard it before, almost three times a day since it happened, it was only then that she believed it. It was so sudden that she stopped dead in her tracks, as if a wall had suddenly appeared, looming over her and stopping her from getting on with her life. There was an invisible wall blocking her path and she wasn't sure how to move it.

"He did." She mumbled looking up at Calum who was then stood in front of her, his hands on her arms as soon as he realised that the penny had finally dropped.

"We're over." She whispered. "It really happened, I didn't just imagine it."

"Afraid not." Calum frowned slightly.

"I'm such a fucking idiot." She rubbed her hands over her face harshly before stepping back and taking off the vest. "I need to go home."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I need to clear my head."

"Okay but you know where to find me if you need me."

"No offence Cal, but it's not really you that I need." She confessed, wanting to force a smile but she couldn't even bring herself to make her lips curl, not even slightly.

"I know." Calum frowned and watched the girl turn her back on him, knowing that teh only person she really needed what Michael.


Isaac walked into Felicity's room, tilting his head at the mess covering her floor.

The girl didn't like it when her room was messy at all. It drove her crazy. She liked having her space organised.

He expected to see her rushing around, tidying up everything but she was just laid on her bed, headphones on and her phone in her hands.

"What's going on?" He asked pulling her headphones off as he laid beside her.

"Nothing." She shrugged, continuing to scroll through Facebook, seeing what all her old friends were up to. "Did you know Lucy just had a kid?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Boy, right?"

"Yeah, he's cute, for a boy. A lot of baby boys aren't usually cute so, she got lucky."

"Why're we talking about people we don't give a shit about when my best friend is laid listening to fucking Dolly Parton while her room is a fucking tip?"

"It's just conversation." She once again shrugged and continued to scroll.

Isaac snatched her phone away in a sudden bout of annoyance which only grew when he didn't give him a reaction like he wanted.

"You're going to tell me what's wrong before I fuck you up." He threatened giving her a warning look as she looked at him.

"He broke up with me and I'm just, numb, Isaac." She stated, almost begging him with her eyes. "I don't know what's going on. I was mad but now I'm not. I was sad but now I'm not. I'm just, I'm nothing without him, I can't feel anything right now and it's fucking pathetic. We spent two weeks as a happy couple and the rest was completely fucked up but yet I can't get him out of my fucking head."

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