eleven - michael

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The three of them stepped out of the taxi and Michael began to say his goodbyes to Felicity and Maria, he wasn't sure when he'd see Felicity again so he just looked at her for a moment. In that moment, Maria decided it was best for her and Felicity to walk Michael to the restaurant, it was safer. "The buddy system" as she called it.

As they walked Michael felt the urge to link his fingers through Felicity's, it just felt weird to be so close to her and not being able to touch her.

"Felicity?" A male voice asked from beside the trio, they all turned in search of the voice that was calling. Sitting at one of the outdoor tables in a little coffee shop was some guy neither Michael nor Maria recognised but Felicity definitely seemed familiar with him.

"Who's that?" Michael whispered to Maria, leaning down slightly to reach the older woman's height.

"No idea." She responded with a shrug, looking the man up and down. She thought that he might be an ex-boyfriend of Felicity's that she never met. He was definitely attractive enough, not normally Felicity's type though.

Maria watched the pair as they talked to each other, they were far enough away that they couldn't be heard but their body language was enough for Maria to try guess what the conversation was about. As the man glanced over at Michael for a second it clicked in Maria's brain, he was the guy Felicity slept with when she was dating Michael.

The woman wanted to say something to Michael but her loyalties lay with Felicity so she kept quiet, making a mental note to have words with the green haired girl later.

Felicity walked back over to the pair seconds later, hiding an obvious grin.

"Who's he?" Michael asked, less than a second after Felicity reached them.

"Just a friend." She replied and walked on ahead, they were really close to the restaurant and the boys were probably growing impatient waiting for Michael to show up.

"Don't I get a name?"

"Eddie, happy?"

"Eddie Happy? His last name is Happy?" Michael fake scoffed, trying to mask his jealousy with humour.

"Shut up." Felicity rolled her eyes with a giggle, thinking he was trying to be funny when he definitely was not. Seconds later they stopped outside the restaurant, they could see Michael's bandmates sitting near the back of the restaurant, through the glass door.

Michael contemplated asking the two women to join him and his friends for the meal but opted against it, as there was something really important he needed to discuss with his three friends. So the purple haired guitarist stood there, shuffling from his left foot to his right foot, waiting for the silence to be broken.

"So I guess we should get a move on, Fe?" Maria spoke, and Felicity nodded before turning to Michael.

The pair were unsure of what to do; would a hug be entirely inappropriate or should they just smile and say goodbye? Michael answered the question for the two of them when he wrapped his arms tightly around his ex-girlfriend and muttered a quick goodbye. Felicity mimicked his actions, right down to the blush on her cheeks as they touched.

Michael also hugged Maria, though for a considerably shorter amount of time compared to his hug with Felicity though that was to be expected. He nodded once more as an extra awkward goodbye before stepping into the restaurant and strolling over to his friends.

"Took you long enough." Calum commented as Michael pulled his chair out from under the table. They had been waiting for him to arrive before ordering their meals and Calum was starving.

"Sorry, I was longer at Felicity's than I thought I would be." He shrugged and Calum nodded, accepting his excuse and waving the waiter over to take their orders. It wasn't going to take Michael long to decide what he wanted, especially if they had burger because if they did then he was 100% going to get a cheeseburger.

When the waiter departed from the table, it was just the four of them again and Michael really wanted to ask for opinions from his friends on something that was really important, and probably unexpected. Well, at least in Michael's mind he thought they would never expect it.

"So, uh... I was thinking that maybe, I kinda want to ask Felicity to, you know, be my girlfriend... again." He stuttered out to the three boys surrounding him at the table. "And I wanted to know what you guys think?"

"About time!" Calum exclaimed excitedly, he'd been waiting for either Michael or Felicity to grow the balls to ask the other out again. Michael couldn't help but beam at his best friend's reaction but the smile faltered as he turned to Ashton and Luke.

"I dunno know man, I think you and her are perfect for each other and all but I can't see you end up heartbroken like that again. I think you should give it some more time, maybe you'll meet a girl you like even better." The curly haired drummer who was sitting directly across from Michael commented gingerly, hoping not to anger him.

"There is no other girl, and there hasn't been any other girls since I met Felicity. It sound stupid to say it when I'm only eighteen, but damn it, she's the one" Michael replied, trying not to sound upset, despite how he felt at Ashton's words.

"But what if what happened last time were to happen again?" Luke asked, he didn't want to straight up say 'cheating' because he didn't want to strike the knife even deeper into Michael's chest.

"That was a mistake, it's not going to happen again. She's never even going to see that fucker ever again anyway."

"I think the two of you should stay single for a while and see where it takes you." Ashton spoke up again.

"I don't want to stay single, not when Felicity is within my reach." Michael sighed, just as the waiter returned with their meals.

The four of them sat in silence, other than the noise of chewing and the occasional sound of a fork or knife hitting off one of their plates.

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