five - michael

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It was almost month since Michael last spoke to Felicity, he was missing her like crazy and his heart ached with every thought her. But, no matter how much he wanted to call her, he stopped himself because she cheated on him and that destroyed him more than no seeing her did.

Despite the fact that he wanted nothing to do with her, he still had her tweets sent to his phone so he see straight away when she posted the link to her original song. But he figured it was just a Vine compilation video or something, she loved them and on tour the two of them would stay up for hours watching the compilation videos, even when the same Vines were repeated in every video.

So he ignored the link, and ignored her.

If this were happening to someone else Michael probably would have had a different reaction to what he hoped everyone was having to him. He wanted undying sympathy and to be left to himself until he wanted otherwise. If this were happening to someone else, Michael probably would have told them to get over it because they had been together two weeks. Yeah sure, it was shitty that she cheated but two weeks was hardly a relationship in Michael's mind.

Or at least it was, until he was thrust into this situation.

He ignored everyone tweeting him and he ignored the fact that Calum retweeted the link that Felicity posted. He switched off his phone and went back to watching Friend's, he was on the last episode of the last season. He would have reached it much sooner but Luke insisted they watch the entirety of Catfish, up to the most recent episode, together because he liked them both guessing possible scenarios.

By the time Calum came home from Felicity's, Michael was full on sobbing over the ending of Friend's. Calum walked into Michael's bedroom to the sight of Michael crying and wiping his eyes with the sleeves of his striped black and white sweater.

"Mike, man are you okay?" Calum asked, hopping quickly over to Michael's bed while the older boy nodded with a sniffle.

"She got off the plane." He whispered, pointing to the laptop screen where the end credits for Friends was playing and Calum sighed in relief, at least he wasn't crying over Felicity. "Don't tell Luke about this, he'll give me so much shit over it."

Calum chuckled, glad that Michael at least had his sense of humour back.

"Did you listen to the song?" The Kiwi boy asked after a few minutes.

"I've listened to a lot songs in my time Calum, you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific." Michael quipped, smirking at his best friend and feeling pretty proud of his sarcastic response.

"Felix's song." Calum rolled his eyes. Michael's body tensed at the mention of the girl who he was trying to forget about.

"What song?" Michael questioned, curiosity getting the better of him. He wanted to say 'no' and that he didn't plan to but there was a niggling feeling that if she wrote it recently then it could be about him.

"When I went to see her, she was writing and ended up finishing it really quickly so we recorded it and posted it to Youtube. She tweeted it, did you not see?"

"Oh, that was the link." Michael cocked his head as if a lightbulb went off inside his head. "Is it, um... is it about?"

"Yeah." Calum responded to the unfinished question, he knew exactly what Michael was trying to ask.

"Oh." Michael replied, standing up from his bed and making his way to the kitchen.

"Are you going to listen to it now?"


"What?" The bassist's jaw dropped, he expected Michael to go straight to her twitter and click the link, especially because he knew it was about him.

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