six - felicity

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Knowing that Michael had actually heard the song only helped Felicity's state of mind for a few hours and then it went south and fast.

He hadn't spoken to her, he didn't even mention her name on Twitter and from what she could gather from Calum, Michael still wasn't going to talk to her, he was still mad and upset but she thought he was starting to act childish.

Of course she understood that he was deeply hurt by her bad choice and she really didn't blame him but she still thought he could've had the decency to at least send her a quick text saying they were over and he never wanted anything to do with her.

If he had done that, she would've found it a little bit easier, not a lot because no matter what way you look at it, she had some pretty intense feelings for the crazy haired guitarist and they wouldn't leave easily but at least if he told her they were over for good, she wouldn't be hanging onto hope that in her eyes seemed as thin and fragile as a strand of hair.

Felicity's emotional habit was to get sad and then suddenly one day it'd turn to anger and then she'd stay mad for a little while before dropping into depression and it'd take a long time to dig herself out of that hole.

"He's being fucking immature." She stated as she rummaged through the dresses on the sale rack, ranting to Calum after hearing the latest update on Michael Clifford, teen drama Queen as she put it.

"He's hurt, Felix." Calum responded as he watched his fellow bassist pull out a light, airy, blue summer dress and shove it back on the rail.

"So am I but I'm not being a little bitch about it." She grumbled and turned to face him.

If Calum wasn't already knowledgable of Felicity's tendency to be a complete bitch when angry, he would've gotten angry at the things she was saying about his friend but he knew she didn't mean what she said, she was just frustrated and trying to get it all out before she made another mistake and things got worse for everyone.

"He'll be there Saturday, right?" She asked tilting her head slightly as she thought over her plan.

"Obviously." Calum scoffed, following the girl as she motioned for him to do so.

"Then I'm going to need something that will make certain he can't ignore me no matter how much he wants to."

They walked into a new store and straight to the back where Felicity knew she would find a dress Michael wouldn't ignore, no matter how mad he was. Even if all she got was a lust filled glare she would be able to calm down for a while. She would be satisfied so long as he gives her some type of attention if only for a fraction of a second.

"Are you serious?" Calum laughed as Felicity picked up red dress that looked as if it had too little material for even a child to wear.

"You're right, if I wear red, I'll look like Christmas these days. Why did you let me dye my hair?" She sighed putting the dress back.

"Hey! I didn't know you were doing it, you just did it and I have to put up with your weird head now."

"I look good with green hair, don't lie, Cal'."

"Okay, you do but you looked better lilac."

"I know but I'm not going back now." She shrugged. "Help me pick one."

"I'm not good at this stuff." Calum responded looking around awkwardly.


"Just find something that if I was wearing, you'd want to fuck me."

"I thought this is about Michael." He joked but stepped up to look through the hangers anyway.

"It is but I know if you like it, he'll definitely like it."

"Fine but for the record, I haven't wanted to fuck you in a long time."

"So you did?" She giggled looking at him only getting a wink in response befor they both laughed and got back to work.


Jeremy kept looking over at Felicity awkwardly as they stood at the bar, waiting for the drinks they ordered only moments previously.

The outfit she finally chose, with a lot of Calum's help, was a tight fitting black dress with a low neckline and strips missing from the back and sides, teasing a little bit of skin which both bassists knew Michael really liked. Not the whole viewing on first meeting but enough to know you want a better look.

At first, Felicity thought about wearing a pair of black satin heels to match but after hurting her ankle trying to reach for the pair she had her eyes on, she decided to wear heel-less boots, scuffed to hell and back but Calum said it added to her "sexy bad girl" look as she was wearing Michael's leather vest she had borrowed one day on tour and never returned.

At first, Jeremy didn't approve of the outfit but he learned to enjoy it. As soon as they reached the real world where is wasn't just the band seeing his crush, he hated the show of skin once again.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home and change?" He asked as she picked up one of the trays of drinks.

"I'm sure, honestly Jer', chill out. No-one is going to try and molest me, not when I'm with you guys." She laughed before turning and heading back to the VIP section which had been hired out specifically for Ashton's birthday party.

Felicity sat back in the spot beside Calum, that he had saved for her, after placing the tray on the table in front of them.

"You better dance with me tonight, Calum." She stated grinning up at him.

"I'm not going to miss the chance to dance with my boo." He responded, grinning back before they both picked up their drinks and joined the conversation, determined not to let anything ruin their good vibe, not even Michael Clifford who was sat opposite them and being as awkward as awkward can get.

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