nineteen - michael

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It was quite a few hours later when Luke walked into the hospital room with a brown paper bag that was filled with McDonalds’ takeaway. Michael was staring blankly at the tiny TV hanging on the wall, which was currently playing old Seinfeld reruns, and Felicity was fast asleep. Their hands were locked together, and Luke almost backed out of the room so as not to ruin the moment, but he knew that Michael would kill him if he had McDonalds and didn’t bring him some.

“Hey,” Luke whispered, holding the bag up to show Michael. “Do you wanna wake her, or should we leave her?”

Michael looked down at the sleeping girl, debating with himself whether or not to wake her. She needed to rest, but she also needed some decent food. He kind of got lost in her features, even though she was making ridiculous faces as she slept. He ran a hand through her matted, faded hair and stroked her cheek lightly.

God he missed her. For the longest time he tried to convince himself that he didn’t need Felicity nor did he miss her but truth be told, he missed her so fucking much. And now, he never wanted to let her go. He wanted to hold her, and show her the love that she needed, the love that she thought she didn’t deserve. He wanted to protect and take away all the demons that haunted her past and present. He wanted to make sure her future was perfect, and he wanted to be a part of it.

“Felicity.” Michael spoke as he shook her gently, never letting go of her hand. “Felicity, get up.”

“Fuck you, I was having a really good dream.” She replied, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

“Luke brought some food.” Michael told her, to which she responded with the best smile she could muster in her worn out state. “You need to eat, Fe.”

“You never call me Fe.” She pointed out. Michael had never called her by a nickname, not once. He loved her name and had always used that. If she had her way, she would turn back time and make sure he never called her that, it was just strange.

“I’ll call you it again if you don’t eat.” He teased with a small smirk. Felicity returned the same smirk, and then it just the two of them staring at each other while stood by the door waiting to be acknowledged. “God, I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Clifford.” The girl smiled, a genuine smile as she linked her fingers with his. “What’s up, Lucas?”

Luke sighed with relief after finally being noticed, but mostly because the bag he was holding was hot and burning his hand.

“I bring Maccas.” He announced, holding the bag up once more for emphasis. “Are you feeling any better?"

“A bit, still kind of drained though.” Felicity shrugged, taking a box of chicken nuggets from Luke’s hand. She didn’t feel like eating a thing but knew that Michael wouldn’t allow her not to.

“I have to piss.” Michael spoke, pulling his hand away from Felicity and standing up.

“Always classy, Clifford.” She laughed, popping a nugget into her mouth. Luke took a mental note of how she put the whole thing her mouth instead of taking a bite first. In case you were wondering, Michael takes a bite first, Calum bites the batter off then eats the chicken and Ashton puts the whole thing in mouth. And Luke, well, Luke didn’t like chicken nuggets. I know, don’t ask.

He began to wonder about how the other guys in Nice One, Newton ate their chicken nuggets and soon Luke was trailing off into thoughts of nuggets without realising that Felicity was speaking to him.

“Luke? Are you even listening to me?” Felicity asked, waving a hand in front of Luke’s face to gain his attention.

“Sorry, daydreaming.” Luke blushed, he wondered what Felicity would say if he told her he was daydreaming about her bands eating habits.

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