ten - felicity

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After waking at 3 am thanks to Isaac who was wide awake and wanted to build a blanket fort in the front room and watch a lot of QI episodes, Felicity went on a two hour run, deciding that it was a better choice than going back to bed.

When she returned home, she almost turned around and ran back down the road before she could reach the front door. Michael was half way down the driveway and she wasn't all for facing him.

It was nothing to do with the break up but more the fact that she was coated in sweat and wearing a crop top and shorts, neither of which were very nice to look at. They were old but she couldn't bear to part with them.

"Hey." She called out, jogging over as Michael reached the door. He turned and looked at her, giving her a confused look.

"Have you been jogging?" He asked. "You don't exercise anymore."

"Zac had me up early and I thought I might as well pick up the habit. Plus, I just stopped ebing tired after the first hour being awake with him." She laughed lightly as she unlocked the door. "Coming in?"

"Uh, I don't know." He admitted looking down at the box in his arms. "I just wanted to return this to you."

"You know I have loads of boxes right?" She grinned as his cheeks tinged pink, realising how odd he must seem.

"I know, I just, it's yours." He shrugged looking back at her.

"Fair enough." She nodded. "So, coming in? We're going to run through our demos, would be good if we had an outsider's opinion."

"Hasn't Calum heard them yet?"

"Nope, just the people working on them. So?"

"Alright." He stepped into the house and waited for her to shut the door before following her into the living room which still held a large fort in the middle, covering all the seating. "You built a fort?" Michael laughed, putting the box down against the wall, out of the way.

"Yeah, Zac wanted to. It's pretty good for a 3 am job." She smiled proudly. "Want to go in?"

The excited light in the girls eyes was enough for Michael to cave with a nod.

"I'll be back down in a minute, I need to shower."

"Yeah, you stink." He joked earning a light shove then Felicity turned and ran up the stairs.

"Hey." Matt greeted walking in from the kitchen with a couple of bags of Doritos in his arms, Maria following in with drinks and instantly, Michael noticed the massive bruise on her neck.

"Wow, that's a big hickey." He commented before he thought about it.

"Matty can't keep his hands off of me." Maria giggled then crawled into the fort.

"Coming in?" Matt asked looking at Michael but not waiting for a responded before climbing in after his girlfriend.

The Aussie followed quickly, only hesitating for a moment before doing so.

He sat on Isaac's right, back leaning against the sofa.

"I take it Fe's back?" The tired drummer asked, struggling to keep his eyes open as he looked at the guitarist beside him.

"Yeah, she's just showering." Michael confirmed, oddly enough not feeling weird talking so casually about his ex.

"Good, Jer's going to be back soon with the disc." Isaac mumbled, his eyes sliding shut as he leant onto Michael's side and in seconds, he was snoring.


Felicity had put the box back in the garage but held onto the vest, mainly in confusion as she joined the gathering in the fort.

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