thirteen - michael

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"I don't like that Eddie guy."

"We know Michael." Ashton rolled his eyes as they walked into the office building where they were due to meet with their manager, Pete. "You said it like ninety times since we left the shoot."

So far, Ashton was the only one of the four boys who knew that Eddie was the guy Felicity cheated on Michael with, he promised he wouldn't tell but it was difficult keeping such a secret from his best friend. But he didn't want to hurt Felicity either, the way she reacted when they last spoke terrified him. It honestly wasn't a good situation for anyone involved.

"I'm just saying, he's a bit sketchy."

"You just think that he's going after Felicity." Luke pointed out, and his point was entirely correct. Michael was jealous because in his mind Eddie seemed just a little too familiar with Felicity and it tore him up to think that she might develop feelings for someone else.

"Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing, for the two of you to see other people..." Ashton spoke, trying to choose his words carefully so as not to anger Michael.

Michael turned to Ashton with wide eyes, shocked that he would suggest such a thing. See other people? Ashton knew how hard Michael had fallen for the bright haired bassist of Nice One, Newton yet here he was suggesting that Michael find some other girl to fall for. Impossible. There wasn't anyone in Michael's mind who came close to Felicity James.

"No way man, no way. I love her and I want her back." Michael stated, walking ahead of Luke and Ashton to get to the elevator first.

"I know you do, but what if you get hurt again? Do you really want to go back to that place you were before?"

"No, but I think she wants me back too."

"Maybe she does, or maybe she might have feelings for this Eddie guy. You don't know Michael, you can't force her to want you back and you can't force yourself to hold onto something so fragile. It's like a time-bomb."

"I get what you're trying to say, just please don't start singing All Time Low at me." Michael laughed, finding humour when Ashton realised that he had unintentionally ended his little speech with an All Time Low lyric.


"Ah boys, nice to see you all again!" Pete greeted the three boys when they walked into his office. "Where is Calum?"

"He's hanging out with Felicity but he says hey." Luke told their manager as he hopped past Michael to get to the comfiest chair before anyone else.

"Felicity?" Pete asked, raising his eyebrow at the unfamiliar name.

"Felicity James... from Nice One, Newton."

"Oh yes, Michael's girl."

"Ex." Michael mumbled, already done with the meeting before it even started.

"Anyway..." Pete diverted the conversation back to what they were all there for. "I have a couple of signings lined up for you guys in the next two weeks, up and down the country for the album."

He pushed a piece of paper with a list of dates across to the three boys and Michael's eyes lit up at the idea of signings. He hadn't been to one in a while because of all the break-up drama.

"Wait but the first one is tomorrow," Luke said as he read through the list of dates, there was six signings in different cities in England. "We're supposed to be hanging out at Nice One, Newton's place tomorrow."

"Well, cancel. Signings are more important than a playdate." The three boys were shocked at how stern Pete had become all of a sudden, he was normally a fairly laid back guy but now he was almost angry. "I'm sorry guys but your album just dropped and the signings are important for sales figures and it also makes your fanbase happy."

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