three - michael

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It took three days for Michael to leave his bedroom for a purpose that wasn't to use the bathroom. He had ran out of things he wanted to watch on Netflix (mind you, it was on Luke's laptop because he broke his own when he pushed it off the desk, Luke didn't mind the older boy using his laptop though) so he went to the living room to take the box set of Friends, ten seasons was enough to keep him occupied for a little while.

Luke was so worried about Michael that he would check on him every fifteen minutes to make sure everything was okay and to see if he needed anything. If Luke wasn't in the house he would call the house to ensure his best friend was okay.

Ashton was worried about Michael too but he didn't like the idea of letting him lie in bed all day, he wanted to get Michael up. He tried to get him to write songs by drawing inspiration from what he was feeling but Michael wouldn't even attempt to pick up his guitar.

Calum, of course, was also worried but he wanted Michael to talk to Felicity, he didn't want to see this end in two heartbreaks and no happy ending. But Michael refused to even talk to his bandmates so the chance of getting him to talk to Felicity was slim, at least for the time being.

It wasn't that Michael was sad, he passed sad and hit heartbroken the second she admitted that she had assumed he cheated on her. Those words alone were enough pain that if someone had stabbed him seven times right in the heart he wouldn't have felt a thing.

So, no Michael was not upset. He was numb.

He didn't really know how to feel, he had gone through every emotion he could relate to the situation; he was sad, he was angry, he was in denial, he was frustrated, he was shocked and now, he was nothing.

He wanted to get angry, he wanted to get really fucking angry. He wanted to break stuff and tear shit apart, he wanted to find the man she slept with and he wanted to skin that man's face raw. But he couldn't get angry, he could barely bring himself to move from his bed.

He wanted to talk to Felicity, he just wanted to see her face again because, unfortunately for him, he missed her and wanted nothing more than to hold her. He wanted to know why, why she would do such a thing. He knew she was impulsive but she didn't even talk to him, she didn't even try to clear up what she read. The fact that she would believe a twitter rumour over her own boyfriend was enough to rip his heart out.

It took a week for Michael to talk to anyone. Luke was the first person he spoke to and, in that moment, the only person he wanted to talk to. In that week they had two signings in London, both of which Michael had to miss and they offered the explanation that he was too ill to attend. He also stayed away from twitter for that week, because he knew that all he would do was tweet cryptic and depressing song lyrics.

"We were never going to last, were we?" He asked when Luke sat with him to watch the episode Friends episode entitled, "The One Where Chandler Can't Cry", Luke was sitting up on Michael's bed beside where Michael was lying and he looked down at his friend who was focused on the screen.

"I think you could have." Luke replied, trying not to be the cause of Michael swaying his own opinions. He had mixed feelings about the entire situation, he didn't want Michael to be like this but he didn't want Michael to run back to Felicity and possibly have his heartbroken for a second time.

"I thought I was going to fall in love with her or something, and I thought maybe she'd feel the same way about me." Michael sighed, pausing the show and sitting up so he was facing Luke. The two could feel the air in the room change and could sense a heart-to-heart coming.

"Sometimes people in love do stupid things." Luke answered, taking in Michael's appearance. The guitarist was paler than usual, his eyes were surrounded by dark circles and he just looked completely worn out.

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