Chapter 17: Garden of Swords (2)

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Beradin Zipfel returned the favour just as Jin demanded.

He didn’t utter a single word until the transfer gate activated. He did glance at Jin from time to time to check what the Runcandel boy was doing.

‘Jin Runcandel… I’m certain he’ll shake the world and spread his name within a few years. Ugh, I’m so curious! I wanna talk with him a bit more, but he doesn’t want me to.’

Beradin’s eyes were gleaming with curiosity as he kept glancing at the 10-year-old. They had only shared a short conversation, but their encounter was a refreshing and exciting one.

Hence, there was a certain amount of goodwill within Beradin’s curious gaze.

‘If he weren’t a Runcandel, we could’ve been good friends… Oh well, let’s be satisfied with the fact that I discovered a worthy enemy. In fact, he might become my lifelong rival!’

Beradin quietly chuckled as he let his imagination fly to the skies. In the meantime, Jin also thought to himself.

‘Whether he was a celebrity amongst magicians before my regression or not, he’s somewhat of a pain in the ass.’

As a matter of fact, whenever Beradin stared at Jin and they made eye contact, the Zipfel boy would turn his head away with a blush.

(T/N: Is this a BL ship??? Or is he a reverse trap????)

(PR/N: Ohoho~? Fujoshi senses are tingling—)

‘That red face and that gaze… He’s definitely some sort of lunatic. Sigh, should I really cut off a couple of fingers to set his head straight?’

There was no way Jin could concentrate when such a disturbing gaze was directed towards him. In the end, he just closed his notebook and put it away. As they waited for the transfer gate to activate, Jin just petted the cat Murakan.

“Thank you for your patience. You shall be teleported in a few moments. There may be side effects from the teleportation, such as headaches or nausea, so please be seated as we…”


Blue mana began to dye the special waiting room. It then softly covered the members inside.

“I had fun. Let’s meet again, Jin Runcandel!”

Beradin shouted with an excited voice. Since their destinations were different, this was the only opportunity he had to bid Jin farewell.

“Yeah, whatever.”

But Beradin couldn’t hear Jin’s reply.

He was sent to his destination and had to deal with formalities for his entry in the country, whereas Jin and his companions were directly sent to another first-class waiting room.

The Runcandel Clan held absolute power within the Huphester Alliance along with a great reputation. On the other hand, the Zipfels were absolutely detested, which led to some discrimination in their treatments.

Most places in the world loved one clan and hated the other, and vice versa. There weren’t many nations which were free from the two clans’ influence.

“Blaargh, urrggh…!”

Pat, pat.

Gilly was awkwardly patting Murakan’s back, unable to do anything else to help.

“Geez, you’re one pathetic dragon…”

“Blargh, urgh, keuk! We didn’t have these kinds of devices in my era. Urgh, it’s like my organs were flipped around.”

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