Chapter 115: Reinforcements (5)

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“Although I do not want to fight you, I cannot let it stain my clan’s name.”


Another explosion. This time, Talaris reacted in time with another ice crystal. She frowned in disapproval.

At this point, Midor thought that it was possible to win.

However, that was a delusion.

“Hmph. Spatial Explosion, you say. You are too rambunctious with Kelliark’s power at hand.”


Talaris stomped on the ground.

Rumble, rumble…!

The Zipfel magicians’ barrier began to freeze. Thirty magicians contributed to the barrier, and it only took one person to take it down. Only three seconds were needed to shatter it.

“Wh-What is this?!”

All of the Seventh Tower’s magicians knew Talaris’s face, but none of them really had any experience fighting her.

If anyone actually knew her true strength, they never would’ve challenged her.

The magicians’ faces turned red. The dragons let out low, quiet whimpers.

Talaris started to use her true power; her long hair flew in the wind.

Many snowflake-shaped particles flew around her. Each crystal glowed, illuminating their surroundings.

“Maybe I was too inactive recently. Oh my, and you pathetic peons attacking… It feels a little off. It seems you have never heard anything about me from your little patriarch?”


The ice crystals gathered on Talaris’s right hand and formed a long silhouette.

A sword.

With the name ‘Myriad Ice’.

“I’ll teach you a lesson.”


Talaris swung Myriad Ice once, and a sharp, skin-piercing wind flew.

The bitter cold was visible in the form of white particles. The wind rushed forward, and the magicians began to cast their defensive spells.

However, as long as Talaris held her sword, her opponents were powerless.


Midor let out a short groan, and soon, the magicians behind him screamed.

It was as if thousands of knives rushed towards them instead of a gust of wind. As it penetrated their barrier, blood splattered on the magicians.

Their bloodstained robes were ripped and torn apart. Wands and staves broke. Their flesh and bones were brutally being carved away.

Talaris scoffed at the pitiful sight.

“I don’t mean to kill you completely.”

It wasn’t an attack where she needed to concentrate or muster a lot of aura.

It was nothing beyond a swing of a sword, and still, the magicians took severe damage.

In fact, there were five casualties despite them being 7-stars.

‘Is this really the power of a human…?!’

Midor—who was barely holding onto consciousness—shook in fear.

The woman before him was unbelievably powerful.

With the difference in power, the Zipfel magicians would be done for before they could even get the chance to cast the next spell. Moreover, the only attack he could do was Spatial Explosion.

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