Chapter 97: The Cosmos Arena (8)

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One step forward.

Jin matched Dante’s movement and closed the gap a little more. Subsequently, Dante took another step, and Jin mirrored it again. Prudently searching for an opportunity to attack.

‘This is more nerve-racking than I thought. Five more steps and Dante will start his atta—Hmf!!!’

Jin unconsciously stopped.

He had a strong feeling that Dante’s attack would begin earlier than expected.

‘Left? Right?’

His eyes flickered to the left, then to the right. Then, as he focused his attention back to the middle…

Dante had disappeared.


And the familiar sound of a sword traveling through the air went to his ear.


Surprised, Jin raised Bradamante, and Dante smiled as he flew towards Jin.


The impact that traveled through the sword hilt was incredible, as if an explosion occurred within his sword. Within the heavy blow was an energy as sharp as shattered obsidian.

If Jin even lacked a little less hip and lower-body strength, his stance would have collapsed immediately. He let out a sigh of relief. Then, he calmly took steps towards the left to retreat from Dante.

“I tried it, thinking that there was a possibility of it working. But as expected, it didn’t.”

Disappointed, Dante licked his lips. Jin cracked an awkward smile instead of responding.

‘He’s faster than I thought…?’

The battle could’ve finished on the first sword swing. Jin’s entire body was covered in goosebumps, and his back was covered in sweat. All the while, Dante looked very carefree.

‘This is like Lady Alisa’s top speed. If it weren’t for the 110 battles that we had, there would be no way I blocked that attack. What kind of observation game is this, crazy bastard? You tried to finish it in a single strike.’

Although a little surprised, he could feel that he improved and grew a lot.


‘And if this is his top speed, it’s super winnable.’

He was certain. With this certainty, Jin also thought that, if Dante could attack any faster, there was no way of winning.


As Jin prepared to swing his sword, Dante’s blade was covered in a more potent aura.

“If I can’t win with speed, I’ll do it with strength.”

‘Just what I wanted!’

Jin had no time to respond. Dante had already begun to swing his sword, and Jin was still gathering his aura to defend.

He was too slow.

Boom! Boboom! Boom!

Every time their blades met, sounds of explosion echoed. Instead of two sharp weapons, it sounded as if two blunt weapons were hitting each other.


“Is this really a fight between kids?”

Compliments could be heard all over the audience. They all expected a great battle between the two, but they didn’t think it would be this entertaining.

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