Chapter 27: Jin, the Cadets, the Beastman, and... (5)

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‘Shit, what’s going on now?’

After propping one of Mesa’s arms over his shoulders, Jin was about to get up.

Boom! Boom!

But due to the sudden explosions, they had to stay crouching. The Kinzelo branch headquarters shook as if it were about to collapse on itself.

An earthquake?

Or did someone upstairs accidentally blow up some explosives?

Jin stared at the ceiling and sharpened his senses. He had a bad feeling, but kept his composure.

“Young Master, please escape first!”

“Silence, Mesa.”

“Please promise me one thing.”

Mesa spoke as she stared directly into Jin’s eyes.

“If we’re confronted with a life-threatening situation, you must abandon me. You cannot lay down your life here.”

Jin nodded silently.

But that didn’t mean he agreed with Mesa. If he actually agreed with her, he wouldn’t have come to rescue her on his own in the first place. However, he judged that pretending to agree with her was the best way to calm her down in this situation.

“We need to figure out what’s happening up there first.”

“Could it be magicians attacking the building? It feels like it’ll collapse at any moment.”

“The magicians here don’t have this much power.”

The reverberations and explosions continued throughout their conversation.

“We’re going up. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to support you. Concentrate and stay right behind me.”

The two of them sneaked up the stairs.

The impacts were happening on the outside, but the walls inside the building already had fissures and cracks all over them. The murals with Kinzelo’s symbols were destroyed as pieces fell to the floor.

However, oddly enough, despite the critical situation on the inside, not a single member of Kinzelo had entered to check up on the building.

‘They’re either still outside trying to figure out what’s happening, or they’re already dead.’

Jin exited the headquarters accompanied by Mesa. Once they were outside, he finally understood what was going on.

It was the latter. When he opened the iron gates, he was greeted by the corpses of the Kinzelo members. They appeared to have been slashed by large claws, as their bodies were covered in scratches and lacerations.

‘They were killed while trying to return to the building. And this… is the work of beastmen.’

They ended up encountering the one group of foes he wanted to see the least. Jin felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

The outside was synonymous to hell.

The blaze Jin had caused had already reached the building, and the small paths that weren’t burning between the flames were covered in corpses in hideous states.



“It’s the beastmen. Looking at the corpses, it’s a tribe that fights with their claws. Shush, don’t say anything. Follow that path and keep walking. I’m sure you can avoid the flames yours—shit.”

Having stopped midway through his sentence, Jin unsheathed Bradamante and raised it. Something was slowly walking out of the inferno not too far from them.

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